The Royal Journal of Found Art. Making art from common junk since, er, 2003 (I think). Correction: since 1998. It appears I missed the date cleverly hidden at the top of the page in large type.
Month: July 2003
Doom III won’t come out before next year…
Doom III won’t come out before next year… …if at all… it’s like Duke Nukem all over again.
It takes a lot to keep a Cincinnati juror awake.
It takes a lot to keep a Cincinnati juror awake. That is after all the home of Hustler’s Larry Flynt, isn’t it.
Man flees court mere minutes before being found innocent.
Man flees court mere minutes before being found innocent. Boy, I bet he feels silly now…
In a bid to stem any possible source of popularity, the RIAA is now suing people even though they haven’t themselves swapped music.
In a bid to stem any possible source of popularity, the RIAA is now suing people even though they haven’t themselves swapped music. These people should form a class action lawsuit against the RIAA for barratry, take the pigs for everything they’re worth…
2003-07-23 11:51:35
Strangely enough, it’s been about a week and I’m still getting Apple hardware ads from Google Adsense… I’m getting a little skeptical about the relevance of google ads, frankly, and it’s puzzling. I think this has something to do with the (fairly low) impression volume generated by my site. Perhaps my expectations of the service were too high, but frankly they conform to what Google advertises. It’s very curious.
A sensible critique of the White House’s new e-mail form.
A sensible critique of the White House’s new e-mail form. I would have expected Tristan to be more political about this, but he is ever the consummate web development professional 🙂
‘Killer Bill Pryor’ gets nod from the Judiciary Committee.
‘Killer Bill Pryor’ gets nod from the Judiciary Committee. Apparently a cheerleading attitude towards executing the retarded and the underage isn’t a litmus test of judicial fitness anymore.
Where does John Kerry really stand on Iraq?
Where does John Kerry really stand on Iraq? Then answer may surprise you.
AOL facing subscriber exodus.
AOL facing subscriber exodus. Then again it might just be that one user left a message saying “I quit”, which was immediately followed by thousands of unrelated “ME TOO” messages…