It is said that American politics is ruled by money and special interests. That is true. This site gives you the numbers.
Month: January 2004
SCO no longer appears terribly sure that its IP made its way into Linux.
SCO no longer appears terribly sure that its IP made its way into Linux. Would anyone who’s surprised at this raise their hands… anyone? anyone at all?
Tonight is set to be New York’s coldest in over a decade. You know what Al Gore came to speak about? Global warming.
Tonight is set to be New York’s coldest in over a decade. You know what Al Gore came to speak about? Global warming. A literal case of not letting the facts get in the way of the argument.
Sometimes you have to admit you’re having a really bad day.
Sometimes you have to admit you’re having a really bad day. And at -7 degrees (c) I’m sure it wasn’t just their optimism that suffered from shrinkage.
Biggest sumo wrestler ever marries petite girlfriend.
Biggest sumo wrestler ever marries petite girlfriend. There’s one wedding-night video I don’t want to see, thank you very much.
Pictures of Saddam’s capture, by a soldier who was there.
Pictures of Saddam’s capture, by a soldier who was there. Those digital cameras, they’re everywhere nowadays!
The Michigan Law Abuse Watch presents Whacky Warning awards for 2003.
The Michigan Law Abuse Watch presents Whacky Warning awards for 2003. Of course the fishing lure can be harmful if swallowed… just ask the fish!
Mom asks about Flight Simulator at Staples, gets visit from state troopers.
Mom asks about Flight Simulator at Staples, gets visit from state troopers. Does that mean that Microsoft brings material aid to terrorists by publishing that title? It’s all so confusing.
Kim Jong-Il quits smoking, demands that his countrymen join him.
Kim Jong-Il quits smoking, demands that his countrymen join him. He will, however, be glad to send those who are still unconvinced to starvation… er, reeducation camps.
Woman who claimed to have lost the winning MegaMillions ticket, admits the whole story was a complete fabrication.
Woman who claimed to have lost the winning MegaMillions ticket, admits the whole story was a complete fabrication. I’m shocked, SHOCKED! /sarcasm