Introducing the BriefSafe. Warning: will cause you to laugh out loud. The latest in personal protection. Let’s just say that it has some unusual ‘security features’.
Month: March 2004
Just how far outside the mainstream is the Bush Administration on the environment?
Just how far outside the mainstream is the Bush Administration on the environment? Get the story from Bush’s fellow Texan Molly Ivins.
Harvard Prof gets scammed by 419ers… responds by scamming others so he can pay the ‘unexpected expenses’ incurred.
Harvard Prof gets scammed by 419ers… responds by scamming others so he can pay the ‘unexpected expenses’ incurred. Kinda makes you wonder whether Harvard professors are all they’re cracked up to be!
The Newsmap — it gives you all the news at a glance.
The Newsmap — it gives you all the news at a glance. (Flash) From many locales too.
Statistical analysis proves that file-sharing does not hurt CD sales in any significant way.
Statistical analysis proves that file-sharing does not hurt CD sales in any significant way. The RIAA replies, ‘damn you and your logical, well-researched arguments!’
Bush-Cheney Sloganator, we hardly knew ye!
Bush-Cheney Sloganator, we hardly knew ye! (Flash) The best slogans generated by the Sloganator during its brief but momentous existence. You gotta wonder what the campaign was thinking in letting that monster out!
Does the President go around telling men they’ve got pretty faces?!?
Does the President go around telling men they’ve got pretty faces?!? (link goes to the first of many entries) Now there‘s a mental image I could have done without.
Today’s instructional entry is about how a camera lens works.
Today’s instructional entry is about how a camera lens works. This is a run-up to the postings I’ll (hopefully) be making next week…
Apparently women with power tools are the new hotness (video).
Apparently women with power tools are the new hotness (video). (may not be safe for work if you’re in Iran or America) Work that angle grinder baby!
Is everyone in Washington lying except the President?
Is everyone in Washington lying except the President? The Hill reports, you decide…