Tired of registering to a news site just to read a story? Try BugMeNot.com!

Tired of registering to a news site just to read a story? Try BugMeNot.com! Either that, or pretend to be a 96-year-old woman living in Boise Idaho when the form appears on your browser, it all works out to the same thing.

Bush wants $1M to train new cabinet members if reelected.

Bush wants $1M to train new cabinet members if reelected. You’ve got to be kidding. He spells it “training funds”, I spell it “hush money for the outgoing”…

The eXile talks censorship.

The eXile talks censorship. Frankly I like eXile… I’ve been thinking the same thing for years, but he’s actually written things out. Bully on him I say!

Strong copyright enforcement is bad for business.

Strong copyright enforcement is bad for business. A case for rethinking this whole DMCA mess.