Prepare to die!

Prepare to die! No really, make preparations for your final exit at

Federal overtime policy prevented 9/11 from being prevented!

Federal overtime policy prevented 9/11 from being prevented! OK, it’s the Onion, but I’m surprised that Ashcroft didn’t bring this up in earnest.

How big is outsourcing? It would appear that the US is outsourcing military jobs to India now!

How big is outsourcing? It would appear that the US is outsourcing military jobs to India now! Now if they could also outsource the President’s job this country would have it made.

Foamy the Squirrel talks about the low-cab diet fad.

Foamy the Squirrel talks about the low-cab diet fad. (Strong language, Flash) Saying things that need to be said.

The two major companies that make computerized voting machines in the US are run by two brothers.

The two major companies that make computerized voting machines in the US are run by two brothers. That might explain the similar operational methods of both companies, like installing uncertified software on machines which are supposed to record citizens’ votes…

Rupert Murdoch-owned newspapers had a variety of different editorials in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Rupert Murdoch-owned newspapers had a variety of different editorials in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. That being said, all 175 of them delivered pretty much the exact same hawkish “let’s go to war” message.

‘Pirates’ of intellectual property have been around since the 17th century!

‘Pirates’ of intellectual property have been around since the 17th century! aaaaaaarrrrrrrrr! avast ye land-lubbers!

The Bush administration doesn’t know science.

The Bush administration doesn’t know science. Captain obvious to the rescue!

Japanese thief found, had about 4000 pieces of purloined women’s underwear.

Japanese thief found, had about 4000 pieces of purloined women’s underwear. Only in Japan!

Handbags insulting ‘a president’ prove to be a huge hit for small company.

Handbags insulting ‘a president’ prove to be a huge hit for small company. I guess internet “memes” really do work towards social change sometimes!