The spookiest and cheapest halloween costumes of 2004! Costumes that send a message without busting a (federal) budget.
Month: October 2004
Florida voters! Here’s a preview of the Diebold voting experience.
Florida voters! Here’s a preview of the Diebold voting experience. Well, the head of Diebold already promised he’d deliver for Bush…
Wolfpacks for truth!
Wolfpacks for truth! Read how the Bush campaign’s treachery tricked those wolves into appearing in the “Wolves” commercial!
Enjoy the draft!
Enjoy the draft! Brought to you by the Republican Party… not really. Not yet. If Bush is reelected that may well change.
Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, 2004.
Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, 2004. Hunter S. Thompson’s view of the current Presidential campaign.
Pre-war Bush: ‘there won’t be any casualties’ in Iraq.
Pre-war Bush: ‘there won’t be any casualties’ in Iraq. One may be certain and still be wrong… more chickens coming home to roost.
The faith-based Presidency.
The faith-based Presidency. An interesting article on the decision process in the Bush White House.
Woman who accused Bill O’Reilly of sexual harasssment is fired by the Fox News Channel.
Woman who accused Bill O’Reilly of sexual harasssment is fired by the Fox News Channel. Evidently the arch-conservative network believes that the harassment was merely fair and balanced.
The Swift Boat veterans lied and they knew it.
The Swift Boat veterans lied and they knew it. Pass it on. This week has been a series of one disgust after another directed at Republicans, and this ranks right up there.
Who could it be?..
Who could it be?.. George W. Bush has already admitted mistakes in appointing certain people… since he refused to elaborate on the point, speculation is rampant as to who he could have been referring to. This is a list of potential candidates.