Spectacular pictures of last month’s ice storm in Switzerland. I thought that pics from Montreal’s 1998 ice storm were pretty impressive, but this is something else!
Month: February 2005
No, you’re the Ashcroft!
No, you’re the Ashcroft! I wish I were going to Argentina, just so I could hear this…
Getting a Prism54 card to work with Slackware 10.
Getting a Prism54 card to work with Slackware 10. I’ve been racking my brains with this issue for a couple of weeks now… I’m sure this will be useful to others in my situation as well!
‘Reporter’ and well-known paid White House shill Jeff Gannon calls it quits.
‘Reporter’ and well-known paid White House shill Jeff Gannon calls it quits. We hardly knew him… was he (a)a gay porn producer, (b)as desperate for a media pass as the Bush Administration was to have a friendly voice in the press, (c)the White House agent who revealed Valerie Plame’s CIA status, or (d)all of the above?
Do you think that Kazaa is a bloated piece of adware that slows down your system?
Do you think that Kazaa is a bloated piece of adware that slows down your system? Guess what — you’re not alone. The company that makes it thinks so too.
2005-02-04 10:37:21
Do you know that kernel.org, which is the official source for the Linux kernel code, is mirrored in many places? Well, it is… except that the list of those mirrors is kept exclusively at kernel.org. So, if you’re looking for a mirror to download from because you can’t reach kernel.org, you’re pretty much fucked.
Does that sound like a very smart policy to anyone?
Here’s a State of the Union attendee you likely won’t hear much about.
Here’s a State of the Union attendee you likely won’t hear much about. Kill 2 and get an invite to sit near Laura Bush for the SotU, without any regard for the families of your victims. I think that’s what they call “compassionate conservatism”.
CIA: Iraq abandoned weapons programs in 1991.
CIA: Iraq abandoned weapons programs in 1991. Good thing they figured this out before embarking on an foolish, poorly-planned invasion… er, never mind.
Microsoft: Linux security a ‘myth’. In related news, Microsoft execs are full of shit.
Microsoft: Linux security a ‘myth’. In related news, Microsoft execs are full of shit. Listening to Microsoft on computer security is a bit like listening to a priest talk to you about sex, isn’t it?