Florida Legislature passes ‘Shoot First’ law. I don’t know whether to file this one under “Scary” or under “Funny”.
Month: April 2005
Get the latest up-to-the minute odds on who will be the next Pope.
Get the latest up-to-the minute odds on who will be the next Pope. So far the smart money is on the Archbishop of Milan, but he’s got some stiff competition from Nigeria’s Francis Arinze, a convert to Catholicism who has been at the Vatican since 1984.
Google maps now features satellite pictures.
Google maps now features satellite pictures. This is pretty amazing — select a location using the map, then click on the satellite link to see an overhead picture of the point you selected. It’s surprisingly fast too.
America’s brutal prisons.
America’s brutal prisons. Stuff goes on everyday in the USA that makes Abu Ghraib look like harmless frat hazing.
Despite having tortured, raped and murdered a Canadian citizen, Iran is deemed worthy of help by Canada.
Despite having tortured, raped and murdered a Canadian citizen, Iran is deemed worthy of help by Canada. This is fucking disgusting. My country should have nothing to do with Iran until they fully account for Zahra Kazemi’s treatment at their hands, up to and including meting out genuine justice on all responsible for her horrible fate. Anything less is tantamount to Canada openly betraying its own citizens.
Ever wonder about which brand gets mentioned most in hip-hop songs?
Ever wonder about which brand gets mentioned most in hip-hop songs? Someone’s done the hard work for you, fo’shizzle.
AP: child malnutrition has nearly doubled since the US invaded Iraq.
AP: child malnutrition has nearly doubled since the US invaded Iraq. This is pretty shocking, considering that a lot of the child malnutrition used to be blamed on sanctions which are no longer enforced.
Why are the US Armed Forces deliberately weakening their own ability to fight the war on terror?
Why are the US Armed Forces deliberately weakening their own ability to fight the war on terror? I don’t know how long the Pentagon can keep doing that sort of thing before people will clue as to its real significance — that the Pentagon does, in fact, consider barring gays from the military to be more important than the ability to effectively fight terrorism.