Enron, Global Crossing, Worldcom, and now AIG? When you go around overestimating your net take to the tune of several BILLION dollars someone’s bound to notice.
Month: May 2005
2005-05-30 11:05:42
A call for submission for Montreal ISPs that offer co-location services — I am looking for a co-location host located in or around the city of Montreal. This would be for a minitower-type system which is expected to receive moderately light traffic. Send a note to the email address at the bottom of this page.
If nobody will pay, then there’s no more handjobs.
If nobody will pay, then there’s no more handjobs. Won’t somebody please think of the fluffers? R4NT.com strikes back at the MPAA’s self-serving pre-movie trailers… at least you won’t be forced to watch these while waiting for your movie to start (although you should, they’re hilarious). Via MetaFilter.
When a news magazine prints something which, though not refuted, has been retracted, it deserves a sermon from Don Rumsfeld. When the US goes to war over a pack of lies which result in 100,000 dead, it’s no one’s fault.
When a news magazine prints something which, though not refuted, has been retracted, it deserves a sermon from Don Rumsfeld. When the US goes to war over a pack of lies which result in 100,000 dead, it’s no one’s fault. That’s America in 2005 for you. The sheer hypocrisy of it all pushes my disgust for the Bush Administration to new highs.
Koran desecration update — stories of the Koran-in-the-toilet shenanigans have been coming out frequently since 2002.
Koran desecration update — stories of the Koran-in-the-toilet shenanigans have been coming out frequently since 2002. ‘Newsweek lied’… my ass. The Administration was aware of the incidents all along too — note how the Pentagon admits to having taken ‘corrective measures’ and implemented rules in January 2003; people don’t implement new rules unless they feel there’s a need to make those official. So, Rumsfeld lied this week.
Here’s an aspect of the whole Newsweek Qu’ran controversy you’re not likely to hear from the sheepish American press.
Here’s an aspect of the whole Newsweek Qu’ran controversy you’re not likely to hear from the sheepish American press. Once you get past the bullshit White House spin, then you can find the truth.
Trump: Freedom Tower ‘disgusting’, ‘unacceptable’.
Trump: Freedom Tower ‘disgusting’, ‘unacceptable’. I don’t know about “disgusting”, but the idea of replacing the WTC with a structure which seems all show and no substance — about half the bulding will be an empty spire-structure to artificially raise the Tower’s height to a jingoistic 1776 feet — does strike me as fairly insulting to the people who died there on 9/11.
The difference between Europe and America.
The difference between Europe and America. Sadly, it’s all too true…
Alberta family treated for hantavirus infection.
Alberta family treated for hantavirus infection. Perhaps the greater crisis in Canada is not a political one…
2005-05-04 23:02:06
Just as the blog was migrated to MySQL 5 last week, this week it has now been migrated to PHP 5. It meant a surprising bit of work, but now that’s all behind me. This was a prerequisite for major changes coming soon.