Vancouver protests greet the US-orchestrated arrests and seizures related to Marc Emery. If Canadian cops don’t want to be seen as no longer serving the interests of Canadians, they really need to stop prostituting themselves to US authorities. These are dark days for Canada when the country simply gives up its sovereignty to an irrational, criminal regime like the current US administration.
Month: July 2005
Apparently Canada has become little but a tool in the failed drug policies of the USA.
Apparently Canada has become little but a tool in the failed drug policies of the USA. Today’s medals at the Aquatic World Championships had me cheering for my country; this story makes me ashamed of it.
Glasgow’s Celtic FC humiliated by 5-nil loss in Bratislava.
Glasgow’s Celtic FC humiliated by 5-nil loss in Bratislava. The club’s Champions League chances are all but faded away… you just can’t treat a CL qualifying match like a friendly. Has their last-minute SPL loss to rivals Rangers taught them nothing?
Les problèmes règnent à la Grande Bibliothèque.
Les problèmes règnent à la Grande Bibliothèque. J’y vais plusieurs fois par semaine, et je me demandais bien pourquoi les responsables ont érigé des clotures longeant tout l’édifice — j’en étais même à me faire des blagues selon lesquelles l’édifice tombe en morceaux, et voilà que oui, c’est effectivement ce qui se passe! J’espère qu’ils règleront tout ça, et leurs variès problème internes — certains livres sont introuvables malgré qu’ils soient indiqués comme étant disponibles, plusieurs publications ont été “en traitement” depuis l’ouverture de la bibliothèque en mai, etc.
Nouveau problème potentiel du Viagra et autres médicaments semblables: la cécité.
Nouveau problème potentiel du Viagra et autres médicaments semblables: la cécité. Est-ce que le jeu en vaut vraiment la, er, chandelle? crises cardiaques, dommages causés par les érections durant plus de quatre heures (ouch!), cécité… la prochaine chose qu’on saura, c’est que ça cause le poil dans les paumes!
L’affaire Shana Poissant: Kurt Lauder et ses parents inculpés.
L’affaire Shana Poissant: Kurt Lauder et ses parents inculpés. C’est bien pour dire que parfois les impressions initiales sont les bonnes.
7 shootings in 24 hours have Toronto officials worried.
7 shootings in 24 hours have Toronto officials worried. Perhaps the time has come to pay closer scrutiny to people who come from the US to Canada by car.
Health Canada investigating reports that Viagra may make some blind.
Health Canada investigating reports that Viagra may make some blind. Does it also give you hairy palms, I wonder?
Study: Microsoft’s monopoly deals cost the IT industry $10 billion/year.
Study: Microsoft’s monopoly deals cost the IT industry $10 billion/year. That’s what happens when “innovation” comes to mean “keeping the other players from being able to play the game.”
Say W.O.T.?
Say W.O.T.? The War on Terror is dead. Long live the long-term-ideological-struggle-on-terror. Is this more than a mere attempt at keeping up the impression that something is being done?