How many heads of important federal offices are in fact Bush lickspittles with no relevant experience?

How many heads of important federal offices are in fact Bush lickspittles with no relevant experience? Let me count the disasters just waiting to happen…

Project for the Old American Century.

Project for the Old American Century. Brought to you by the people who are pretty f*cking sick and tired of the imperialist bullshit inspired by the Project for the New American Century.

United Ripoff Service

Here’s a hint for all Canadians who order stuff from the US: make sure you choose Fedex, DHL or the US Postal Service to deliver your package. I went with the shipping company associated with the color brown (I shan’t name it here, because I’ve decided to shun it) and have been truly ripped off by these sons of bitches. On a package worth less than $120, the fuckers are charging me a whopping $61.98 of “brokerage fees”.

I really don’t have a choice because they’re holding my package hostage until I pay them, but one thing’s for sure — I’m going to file complaints with the BBB and local trade authorities over this dishonest dealing.


Websudoku! It’s the numbers game that’s taking the internet by storm…

9/11 at 4.

9/11 at 4. Tristan Louis reflects on the American situation 4 years after 9/11. Obviously this was written a couple of weeks ago, but then whoever said that rememberance and analysis should be restricted to the one day?

Octopus arms have minds of their own.

Octopus arms have minds of their own. I’ll bet you didn’t know that! Chalk up another one to my second (naturally!) favorite creature of the sea.

Four years after 9/11 Anthony Gregory asks, where’s Osama?

Four years after 9/11 Anthony Gregory asks, where’s Osama? And, for that matter, where’s George, or more exactly where and what are George’s achievements?

It’s Banned Books Week in the USA, so what better way for parents to celebrate than by having a book banned from their children’s curriculum?

It’s Banned Books Week in the USA, so what better way for parents to celebrate than by having a book banned from their children’s curriculum? Sometimes I think that one day America will implode under the comedic irony of its own actions.

The Worm Within.

The Worm Within. An oldie but a goodie — this is an internet classic! Read all about the story of a man’s short but poignant relationship with his tapeworm.

The top 10 worst tech products of all time.

The top 10 worst tech products of all time. I agree with the list compilers, although I think that all these “worst technologies” list exist solely so that Microsoft Bob can be #1 at something.