Introducing Google Reader. This looks to be the “killer app” for RSS feeds — neat interface (although internationalization apparently needs a bit more work), integrated search, etc. It’s like Bloglines on steroids.
Month: October 2005
The New York Times may no longer be the American ‘paper of record’.
The New York Times may no longer be the American ‘paper of record’. There’s more than one reason for that, but let’s face it Judith Miller is a huge factor. Whether it’s her gullible bullshit on Iraqi WMDs or her largely-histrionic, deeply intellectually dishonest, for-the-publicity jail stint, she’s really ending up accomplishing the dream that get Ann Coulter all hot and bothered — scuttling what used to be the one worthwhile journalistic establishment in America.
Al Qaeda now posting ‘help wanted’ ads on the internet.
Al Qaeda now posting ‘help wanted’ ads on the internet. Apparently you get Ramadan off and 70 virgins if you make it past the probationary period, but it’s a bit of a tough sell.
Bush: ‘God told me to invade Iraq.’
Bush: ‘God told me to invade Iraq.’ When ordinary people commit acts based on what the little voices in their heads tell them to do, we call them insane. If those acts lead to harm or death, we call them criminally insane.
The Safety Smock could prevent prisoner suicides.
The Safety Smock could prevent prisoner suicides. I think it works on the principle of embarassing the prisoner to death before he has a chance to take his own life. Via everlastingblort.
RoadRunner ISP: censorship for the masses.
RoadRunner ISP: censorship for the masses. Road Runner subscribers, now’s the time to switch to an ISP that lets you see the whole internet, not some sort of weak-ass corporate-approved subsection thereof. Note that if you’re stuck with that crappy ISP you won’t be able to see the linked site. If that’s the case, perhaps you should call the technical support line to find out why that’s happening.
How low will online marketing go?
How low will online marketing go? Consider the case of Cillit Bang and ask yourself, is the scum that came up with that sort of sick marketing campaign really human?
Boeing makes getting connected while aloft a reality, but finds it’s a tough sell.
Boeing makes getting connected while aloft a reality, but finds it’s a tough sell. It’s kinda sad how American carriers seem to have forgotten the meaning of “competitive advantage”… eventually they might all nickel-and-dime their way into bankruptcy.
Newest Dutch invention: the house that swims.
Newest Dutch invention: the house that swims. This is very cool! and certainly well-suited to the Netherlands’ quandary as a nation which lives (to a great extent) below sea level. They should consider building at least a few of these as a pilot project in New Orleans.
Thinking a calling a US drug snitch line?
Thinking a calling a US drug snitch line? Don’t be too quick to think that the so-called “good guys” actually have any intention of paying those rewards they like to advertise… in fact those programs seem more designed to get the caller arrested as well.