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Month: November 2005
Things get worse and worse for Sony-BMG as New York AG Eliot Spitzer starts to take an interest in the rootkit case.
Things get worse and worse for Sony-BMG as New York AG Eliot Spitzer starts to take an interest in the rootkit case. This could be the company’s Waterloo. Let that be a warning to media companies that are a little too keen to f*ck with people’s PCs.
What is ‘cyber Monday’?
What is ‘cyber Monday’? It’s a load of old nonsense, that’s what…
Introverts think more.
Introverts think more. ‘Nuff said.
US delegate: we’ll do what we can to scuttle any measure that come out of the UNESCO Climate Conference.
US delegate: we’ll do what we can to scuttle any measure that come out of the UNESCO Climate Conference. Not surprising, really. The surprising thing is that they’re there at all. Why don’t they just pack up and leave the stage to people who *are* willing to do something? Clearly the US doesn’t want to be there, and increasingly others simply don’t want the Americans around if they’re only there to cause trouble.
Xbox box sold on ebay for over $800.
Xbox box sold on ebay for over $800. For those of you wondering, yes, that’s an empty box that once contained an Xbox 360. People apparently aren’t getting less stupid with the passage of time.
Chinese official: a recent toxic spill could be ‘very harmful to the environment’.
Chinese official: a recent toxic spill could be ‘very harmful to the environment’. Thank you Captain Obvious! Once again a government official has shown a keen grasp for the blindingly obvious.
Having bombed al-Jazeera in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US was apparently ready to bomb al-Jazeera in Qatar too.
Having bombed al-Jazeera in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US was apparently ready to bomb al-Jazeera in Qatar too. Qatar is, of course, the main staging area for US forces, and America’s strongest ally, in the area. Apparently Bush was talked out of it by Tony Blair, which may be the one and only time Blair was able to make Bush actually do something.
When is ‘open standard’ neither open nor really the standard?
When is ‘open standard’ neither open nor really the standard? When Microsoft uses the phrase, that’s when.
How do you know you have a really bad B.O. problem?
How do you know you have a really bad B.O. problem? If they have to stop a trial because you as a juror are stinking up the joint, it’s time for a scrub. Possibly with steel wool.