What do you do if you’re a Californian who hasn’t managed to pass the high school exit exam? The answer to this, as with many other things in America, is sue, sue, SUE!
Month: February 2006
On dirait presque qu’Emerson a planifié tout ça des mois à l’avance!
La défection de David Emerson fait bien des mécontents. Bien qu’on sache que les politiciens s’attachent au pouvoir à tout prix, la défection est perçue comme étant particulièrement cynique, au point où les Libéraux exigent qu’Emerson leur rembourse les couts de son élection.
They had to cancel the conference after the innkeeper double-booked the place. The earlier-starting Bar Mitzvah had priority, you know.
Schedule for the Iranian conference on the Holocaust. Only one question — will the lunch be Kosher?
Also noted, a surprising number of pizza parlors will try and deliver to someone naming himself “I.P. Freely”.
What the NSA learned using the warrantless wiretap program. Hey, they never said the information they heard was pertinent, did they.
Jews… is there anything they can’t do?
Iran denounces Mohammed cartoons as an ‘Israeli conspiracy’. In the Middle East nothing bad ever happens without Iran blaming the Jews, apparently. Is there lead in the drinking water over there?
The only thing missing is a Christian Scientist as Health Minister.
Stephen Harper provided a lot of things with his new Cabinet yesterday, but leadership wasn’t one of them. I like the extra-cynical touch evident in two things: first, picking an unelected — and therefore unquestionable in the House of Commons — Montrealer as Public Works minister, and topping it all with naming a unilingual anglophone as Canadian Heritage minister. I guess there really are more ministerial posts than French-speaking conservatives.
To live and die in the USA.
The US seems headed down the slippery slope to a police state — with a twist. It’s not about the executive branch seizing power arbitrarily — although there’s been plenty of that recently — rather it’s about the increasing tendency for police departments all over the US to use SWAT teams for everything, including the arrest of people not even suspected of violent crimes, and the inevitable resulting deaths by accidents and overreactions. Well worth a read.
Naughty, naughty nature!
Hot ebay item of the week: the anatomical carrot. You have to admit, it is exceptionally detailed!
The investor in a chain of blackberry addiction recovery centers is said to have been disappointed by the ruling.
RIM wins key patent battle. Gentlemen, start your CrackBlackberries… again.
Apparently he had his fingers crossed behind his back the whole time.
There’s a lot less to Bush’s end-of-Middle-East-oil-dependence plan than Monday’s speech would have you believe. It took less than a day for the Administration to back off that commitment… I’m sure they’re planning to stick by the loony animal-human hybrid nonsense though.