Gonzales: we don’t torture. Which is to say that we’ve defined ‘torture’ as whatever it is we don’t do. I think he’s lying to the world just like the rest of the gang of thugs in the Bush administration, but I think the only way to prove this would be to waterboard him and deprive him of sleep for a couple of weeks.
Month: March 2006
Comme un Robin des Bois moderne, sauf qu’ils prennent des gens et donnent aux corporations.
Pensez-vous que vous payez de plus en plus de taxes alors que les entreprises en paient de moins en moins? Eh bien vous avez entièrement raison.
Living within one’s means is apparently un-American.
In the US, if you pay down ‘too much’ of your credit card balance you’ll raise the attention of the Department of Homeland Security. I guess patriotic Americans are expected to pile up more debts instead?