RIAA extortion attempt foiled by attentive judge. The RIAA really are the scum of the earth, aren’t they.
Month: April 2006
They should change the agency’s name to “CYA”.
CIA agent fired for leaking info about US gulags abroad that probably violate international law. However, members of the Executive Branch who leak personal info outing an agent and her cover agency, potentially endangering her life and that of all her colleagues, will continue not being fired or having any disciplinary action taken against them.
The Dalai Lama wishes he were as patient as that guy.
Things my girlfriend and I have argued about. That’s the name of the site, and has nothing to do with me personally, except that I think it’s hilarious… and am quite grateful I’m not the one dating this Margaret woman.
Are you sure there should be that many zeros before the decimal?
You think you have it tough at tax time? At least you’re not Symantec. Being told you owe your local tax authority A BILLION DOLLARS is bound to be at least a bit shocking.
Clearly fertility clinics aren’t part of my future.
Coffee and porn, in moderation, boost fertility in men. If that’s true, I don’t think that declining fertility will continue being a factor for much longer.
Cilantro must die! mango salsa, you’re next.
Support the fight against cilantro! At least I see I’m not the only one who hates that stuff!
Britney is said to be upset at hearing that she’ll have competition.
World’s best-known ad firm creates a girl band with the specific and only intent to associate it to marketing campaigns. Is the world running so short on real bands that companies feel the need to invent new fake ones?
It sure beats actually developing something useful.
How NTP magically turned $20k into $600m.
- Hire the guy who has information that could invalidate your highly questionable patent with the specification that he’s legally bound not to reveal that information.
- …
- Profit!
Some people would actually be better off having no style at all.
Street Style. As you gaze upon these asinine and ridiculous outfits just keep in mind that somewhere in the US someone is actually wearing those clothes, in public even.
Cue the “12-inch ruler” jokes.
In case you were wondering, there’s now an established mathematical formula for establishing the superiority of a posterior. At last! I was so tired of evaluating women’s bottoms according to my own subjective standards!