If you had the maid coming in tomorrow, better cancel and have her come Wednesday instead.

The world will end because of nuclear war starting on Tuesday 9/12/06! Sure, doomsday rants have been said before, but then Yisrayl Hawkins is apparently not your average crackpot (which, I guess, makes him a special crackpot!). Not everyone agrees of course. Some people poo-poo the whole thing and say it’s merely a diversion to keep you from worrying about the true menace, some choose to remix the prophecy and add a C/W soundtrack, still others prefer rap as the quintessential rhapsody of ridicule. In the old tried-and-true tradition of “eat, drink and be merry” the House of DONTPULLMEWEH will be holding a party on September 13th 2006! I’ve heard worse excuses for a party

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