Apparently ‘agile’ means ‘out of touch with reality’.

Joel Sponsky goes all delusional again. I love this bit of brain-fart about programmers: “This Is Why Programmers Get The Big Bucks. The whole reason you gave them Aeron chairs, unlimited M&Ms, free catered lunches, and the kickass computers with the 30” LCDs is so they can deal with new bugs Microsoft introduced in their code by messing up a DLL that used to work.” Get fucking real, Joel.

Perhaps you managed to get that fantastic deal with the Aeron chair and the catered lunch and the free candy and the 30″ LCD and maybe even some 18-year-old hooker sucking your cock 24-7 on top of the ‘big bucks’, but that doesn’t describe the reality of any programmer I’ve ever met, and I’ve been in the business for over 10 years.

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