Adventures in car rental: Ford Expedition 2006

As my friends and acquaintances know, I don’t have a car. That doesn’t mean I don’t drive every once in a while, however; indeed I drive a decent number of different car models via the wonder that is car rental.

Continue reading Adventures in car rental: Ford Expedition 2006

More lives ruined so some scumbag prosecutor can add another check in the ‘win’ column.

Disabled father of 3 in jail for 25 years for possessing drugs that were prescribed to him. What the fuck is wrong with America? This isn’t even malicious prosecution — it’s downright persecution. I don’t know how these DEA people can sleep at night, I really don’t. I think it says something about man’s inhumanity to man that they not only do, but feel good about ruining lives the way they do.

The times they are a-changin’…

A mere 11 years ago you could take a dump right on the first-class service cart and the airline would still get you to your destination. Nowadays they’ll cut the flight short if you so much as try to cover up the bouquet of your flatulence in flight. I think that makes an interesting statement on the state of air travel in America, don’t you?

Gotta love those Baby Jesus pictures!

A snapshot of God’s inbox (PDF). Of course God uses a Mac… he can afford one, he’s all-powerful!

This next site sponsored by Advil, whose products you’ll probably need if you look at it for too long.

67 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena. These are always fun to check out, but make sure you have something ready for the headache that’s sure to follow!

The Saul said unto David, ‘Dude, I was joking about the foreskins thing. I really don’t want those. Get a sense of humor, man.’

Ten Bible verses that are never preached on. A lot of these would probably cause a bit of a distraction in the pews.

Behold! Toast 2.0

The ROLLERtoaster. I say, that is a pretty stylish appliance!

I particularly like the ‘firetruck on fire’ shot.

A small collection of truck (and bus) accidents. No matter what else is true, keep this in mind — in the battle of car vs. truck, truck always wins.

The must-have toy for psychology/psychiatry geeks.

Tickle-me Freud. There’s only one downside — it only responds to his mother. Also the cocaine isn’t included.

Fake ad, fake controvery, fake microbrew…

Rolling Rock’s aping ‘controversy’. What does a large commercial brewer do after it buys what used to be a microbrew from another conglomerate? Why, invent a fake controversy about an ad that’s never aired, and invent complaints about the ad (which, frankly, is dull as dishwater and twice as stupid). You see, apparently Anheuser-Busch is new to this “internet thing” and naively believed that we nerd types wouldn’t see through their bullshit. Welcome to the world of pwnage…