Experts find the lack of WMD findings in Iraq ‘surprising’. Once again Captain Obvious rides to the rescue…
Author: tony
Windows for Cars claims first important victim.
Windows for Cars claims first important victim. HAL wouldn’t open the pod bay doors that time either.
2003-05-12 09:47:15
Snapped at my boss again this morning. Clearly not the ‘diplomatic way’ of handling these things… then again the mere mention of that particular project seems to sent my blood pressure rising. I guess that happens when I’m told from the start to forget about the right way of doing things because the customer wants it done differently.
However, later on it struck me that I was surely driving myself completely mad over that bit of work. Now why would I do a thing like that? Perhaps it’s the fear that this one thing will be the basis for my entire evaluation come January. It’s not an impression which is entirely unfounded.
Still, why do I let this happen? After all it’s not like anyone else here seems that obsessed about their work. Perhaps it’s even counterproductive for me to do so; that certainly seems to be the case with this project or take their work trouble home the way I do. I should adopt a saner attitude towards work, I guess.
JFK had his own Monicagate happenin’, some 25 years before Clinton.
JFK had his own Monicagate happenin’, some 25 years before Clinton. My my… it must be a slow news day in New York for a JFK affair to be considered ‘news’.
US begins 5-day terrorism drill.
US begins 5-day terrorism drill. The terrorists themselves aren’t doing nearly enough to keep everyone terrorized, so the government will have a go at it.
In a typical display of cynicism, Chretien leaves Newfoundland hanging.
In a typical display of cynicism, Chretien leaves Newfoundland hanging. He wasn’t interested in discussing much of anything since he came to office, why should he be bothered to do so now? One bright spot though, he said he was leaving in 9 months.
Duke of York’s bodyguard replaced after accidentally firing his weapon near his charge.
Duke of York’s bodyguard replaced after accidentally firing his weapon near his charge. Good thing too, or Andrew could need another bodyguard to protect him from his bodyguard.
Eminem’s Lose Yourself considered ‘likely to cause a car crash’.
Eminem’s Lose Yourself considered ‘likely to cause a car crash’. And you thought the only risk was to develop really, really crappy taste in music.
The wonderful world of engrish.
The wonderful world of engrish. Leave it to the Japanese to invent a whole new language loosely based on the one spoken in the US… some of these aren’t really bad english, just strange phrases popping up at inappropriate moments (look in there, you’ll see what I mean).
Interesting product warnings.
Interesting product warnings. Do some of these really need to be written out? I would guess so, otherwise corporate America wouldn’t bother printing them.