A day later the cheap obvious joke returns with a vengeance.

New Jersey eyed as cause of gas-like smell in NYC. Looks like my entry from yesterday was premature!

Incredibly no one even remotely implied that New Jersey was the suspected cause.

Mystery smell settles over Manhattan. The smell was said to be so powerful it even overpowered the New York subway’s usual bouquet of urine and vomit.

It was either that or bringing the guy back to life so they could hang him again.

Court drops Kurd charges against Saddam Hussein. I don’t think there’s much more they could have done to punish him anyway…

Typo3 — possible to get started?!?

I’ve been checking out Typo3 with an eye on moving this blog (and others) to it, for a number of reasons, but I have to say that it’s quite frustrating to try and learn about it. If you install the software according to the instructions you end up with an error page when you try and access the site (No pages are found on the rootlevel!), but all “getting started” documentation requires the use of a ‘quickstart’ site which does not work with version 4.0 (the only version you can download from typo3.org). You get the impression, rightly or wrongly, that the project’s a bit disorganized…

America (the country) is in worse financial shape than anyone imagined.

GAO: US national liabilities now at 400% of GDP, in the best-case scenario. Basically it means that the United States is insolvent. Does international law have a Chapter 11?

He never calls, he never writes…

Mullah Omar says he hasn’t seen bin Laden for years. In related news, Mullah Omar seems to be keeping up with his email.

How overpaid are company CEOs? You’d be surprised.

By the time you come to work on January 3rd, the CEO of your company has probably already made more money than you’ll earn by working the whole year. Now THERE’s something to think about when you receive a note stating the amount of your meager bonus for the past year! And keep in mind, this is just for Canada.

Content protection: another reason why Vista sucks.

The Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute the longest suicide note in history. By putting the protection of content above user experience in its new OS Microsoft shows us what happens when a company arrogantly bets that it can do anything it wants to its customers. History will show what happens when the “what are they gonna do, switch?” attitude rules product design.

So she became the first by making 3 with 2.

Woman with two wombs gives birth to three babies. You’d probably expect to read this in the Weekly World News, but no, this is a serious newspaper! The woman was apparently not aware of her unusual condition, and ended up with twins in one womb and a third baby in the other. Meanwhile the father should probably see a doctor about his hyper-fertility!

Redeeming Aeroplan miles

I’ve been an Aeroplan member for nearly 6 years now. Aeroplan is the frequent flyer mile program for Air Canada, which is my national airline. I used to fly quite often between Montreal and New York, so i figured I might as well earn frequent flyer miles for doing it; if you don’t belong to the program, those same “bonus miles” just go to waste. Besides the Aeroplan card lets you check in using those ATM-type machines in Canadian airports.

Continue reading Redeeming Aeroplan miles