Lots of stuff gets stolen in Italy, a country that plays host to a truly astounding number of thieves and pickpockets. Recently a friend of mine even had her luggage stolen from the incorrectly-locked trunk of a taxicab. Normally we’re talking about things of monetary value and easily fenceable. Well, you wouldn’t believe what got stolen from a small place just north of Rome in 1983.
Author: tony
Apparently the greenback is in more danger than previously thought.
Dollar Danger Directly Ahead. The US really doesn’t have any economic means of stopping or even slowing the decrease in the worldwide relevance of the dollar; is this a harbinger of more economic wars ahead for America?
If they build it too well they won’t be able to sneak their employees in!
Firm that makes a border to close off the southern US border caught employing illegal Mexican workers to do the job. Perhaps they should print the OED definition of “irony” on the wall, while they’re at it.
The first rule of pillow fight club is, tell everyone!
Everybody go pillow fighting! It’s one part fight club, one part flash mob, and one part group therapy all rolled into one!
Apparently fat men with white beards are no longer welcome at Disney Parks.
Man kicked out of Disney World for looking like Santa. I hope he at least got a refund for his day pass from the money-grubbing scum that the Disney corporation has become over the past few years.
Tony’s Tune of the day for December 18 2006
Reptilia by The Strokes. What a great song! I just went on a long-ish road trip and just found myself playing that tune over and over. I think it has something to do with the great bass line.
Some of these make me really want to visit Japan with a girlfriend.
Love Hotels. Photos of rooms in Japanese “love hotels”, by photographer Misty Keasler. Some of the rooms are a bit creepy (I don’t know what’s up with the ‘toilet training toy’ in the first photo) but the Hello Kitty S&M room strikes me as a must-see attraction. Apparently a whole book of Keasler’s love hotel photos is also available from Amazon.
How DOES a company lose $6.6 billion?
Amaranth’s $6.6 Billion Slide Began With Trader’s Bid to Quit. Sometimes it’s best to just accept a resignation letter that comes across your desk.
I hear they’re also thinking about bringing back UF insulation and thalydomide for pregnant women!
Bush administration may again allow the sale of leaded gasoline. Apparently they’re going to justify the proposal on the grounds that lead particulates in the air have been reduced by 90%. Apparently if a clean-air initiative is proven to work, the White House is sure to actually drop it. I can’t think of anything wrong with this plan!
Worst. USB. Gadget. EVAR.
The humping dog USB drive. Give it to someone you hate this Christmas! Preferably by inserting it in a USB slot of their computer while they’re not looking.