A snapshot of God’s inbox (PDF). Of course God uses a Mac… he can afford one, he’s all-powerful!
Author: tony
This next site sponsored by Advil, whose products you’ll probably need if you look at it for too long.
67 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena. These are always fun to check out, but make sure you have something ready for the headache that’s sure to follow!
The Saul said unto David, ‘Dude, I was joking about the foreskins thing. I really don’t want those. Get a sense of humor, man.’
Ten Bible verses that are never preached on. A lot of these would probably cause a bit of a distraction in the pews.
Behold! Toast 2.0
The ROLLERtoaster. I say, that is a pretty stylish appliance!
I particularly like the ‘firetruck on fire’ shot.
A small collection of truck (and bus) accidents. No matter what else is true, keep this in mind — in the battle of car vs. truck, truck always wins.
The must-have toy for psychology/psychiatry geeks.
Tickle-me Freud. There’s only one downside — it only responds to his mother. Also the cocaine isn’t included.
Fake ad, fake controvery, fake microbrew…
Rolling Rock’s aping ‘controversy’. What does a large commercial brewer do after it buys what used to be a microbrew from another conglomerate? Why, invent a fake controversy about an ad that’s never aired, and invent complaints about the ad (which, frankly, is dull as dishwater and twice as stupid). You see, apparently Anheuser-Busch is new to this “internet thing” and naively believed that we nerd types wouldn’t see through their bullshit. Welcome to the world of pwnage…
Match.com and eHarmony: old and busted. New hotness: the Giraffe Studbook.
Online dating for giraffes. Sure, it may sound good at first, but you just know the male pretends to be at least 2 feet taller than he really is!
Yes. 30mph would do this much damage to a car worth a half-mil. I believe you 100%!
Mechanic claims he was going “no more than 30mph” when he crashed and completely destroyed a $500,000 Porsche Carrera GT. I get the feeling that he’s been spending the day filling out unemployment forms…
10 of those in a warehouse and you got yourself one hell of a supercomputer.
Project Blackbox by Sun. This is Sun’s idea of how to create a truly portable datacenter, and it’s pretty damn neat.