Netgear SC101 — that dreaded feeling…

Sometimes you buy something online, and while waiting to receive it you start gathering more information on it. Most often this is something that fills one with enthusiasm and anticipation. But then sometimes you end up with a feeling that you should have made more of an effort to find out that information before buying and — it seems — wasting your money on a turkey. Well, on Sunday I ordered a Netgear SC101 storage device, and I increasingly get the feeling that I wasted my money on a turkey.

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It’s like the story of my ex who couldn’t fly because she always lugged a pair of 38s along wherever she went.

UK airport ‘security’: it’s illegal to wear clothing that features a print of a gun on it. Even a bright pink outline. The reasoning behind this is… er… ah, fuck it, there IS no reasoning behind airport security nowadays, just largely-otherwise-unemployable, untrained or poorly-trained idiots given a list of things to watch for and discharging their duties without the risk of actual thought being involved in the process.

Exit polls are unusually accurate everywhere in the world, except in Republican-land.

GOP says “beware exit polls!” One has to wonder why they’re going to such lengths to discredit polls they can’t possibly have seen yet. It’s hard to figure out the purpose behind these bizarre announcements. You see, usually a political party will want to downplay any lead it has in the polls because that tends to discourage voters from showing up; yet the Republicans are saying “we’re doing a lot better than you think”. Of course that doesn’t matter if real votes aren’t getting counted.