YouTube yanks Daily Show, Colbert clips. In a couple of years you won’t find anything of interest there — just a bunch of insipid videocasts by bored, angsty 14-year-olds (not that there’s anything wrong with that; whatever floats your boat). if I were a Google investor I’d be very pissed at the directors for having spent $1.6 billion in stock for what increasingly seems like turkey that contains less and less content with each passing week.
Maybe she contracted a case of, oh, what’s the name of that disease, the one Reagan got…
When appearing as a memory expert in court, you might want to remember whether or not you’ve met the prosecutor before, and things you wrote in published books and papers. Otherwise you look like a bloody idiot in court, and risk damaging your own reputation as a memory expert.
Security by deniability: impressions of Vista security
Ryan S. at 37signals put it best when it comes to Windows Vista:
"windows in general has been like a confused and slow person. vista is like a person who lost their meds and is trying their best to ignore the voices"
There’s a lot of brouhaha out there about how Vista is “the most secure Windows yet”. BFD. That’s a bit like saying that something is “the least disgusting meal Jeffrey Dahmer ever cooked.” Set the bar low enough and you’ll never run short of superlatives with which to describe your newest venture. Continue reading “Security by deniability: impressions of Vista security”
Secret CIA torture flights: their existence is only the tip of the iceberg.
CIA tried to silence the EU on torture flights since 2002 (and succeeded, if partially). If you ever got the impression that heads of states play with people’s lives like they were pawn on a chessboard, well, it looks like you’re right pretty much universally. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark world, apparently.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Russians scientists discover a cure for depression: whipping. Applied to the buttocks. Preferably by a member of the opposite sex. Call me a skeptic, but I get the idea that this guy’s “research” included a happy ending, if you get my drift… still, who am I to judge?
How self-conflicted are you?
The Philosophical Health Check from The Philosopher’s Magazine. An interesting, short quiz that checks up on inconsistencies (or “tensions”) in one’s beliefs. It’s non-sectarian, and admittedly in a couple of instances it fails to distinguish between the taker’s opinion and his/her view of objective truth, but it’s otherwise pretty neat.
But what if they’d built a wooden badger?
Deploying a Trojan Horse today. Those wacky Aussies!
That MySpace sh*t is getting ridiculous.
Man beats, bites and chokes ex-girlfriend after she de-friends him in MySpace. With picture of said “God’s gift to women” as a bonus. Oh well, who knew that a Fox property could do so much damage? On second thought, never mind.
Man bites dog, car drives you, and… this?
Towel Incident at the Westin Tokyo. An exceedingly bizarre tale of travellers who had their personal towels taken (one assumes, inadvertently) by Tokyo hotel staff, and the hilarity that ensues.
So, you think YOUR password is hard to crack?
MIT Realm Kerberos accounts require a 18770-character password, apparently. If you’re afraid you’ll forget it, just pick a novel and make the whole thing — not just the title — your login. Then retype the entire thing in the password field when you want to log in!