Russians scientists discover a cure for depression: whipping. Applied to the buttocks. Preferably by a member of the opposite sex. Call me a skeptic, but I get the idea that this guy’s “research” included a happy ending, if you get my drift… still, who am I to judge?
Author: tony
How self-conflicted are you?
The Philosophical Health Check from The Philosopher’s Magazine. An interesting, short quiz that checks up on inconsistencies (or “tensions”) in one’s beliefs. It’s non-sectarian, and admittedly in a couple of instances it fails to distinguish between the taker’s opinion and his/her view of objective truth, but it’s otherwise pretty neat.
But what if they’d built a wooden badger?
Deploying a Trojan Horse today. Those wacky Aussies!
That MySpace sh*t is getting ridiculous.
Man beats, bites and chokes ex-girlfriend after she de-friends him in MySpace. With picture of said “God’s gift to women” as a bonus. Oh well, who knew that a Fox property could do so much damage? On second thought, never mind.
Man bites dog, car drives you, and… this?
Towel Incident at the Westin Tokyo. An exceedingly bizarre tale of travellers who had their personal towels taken (one assumes, inadvertently) by Tokyo hotel staff, and the hilarity that ensues.
So, you think YOUR password is hard to crack?
MIT Realm Kerberos accounts require a 18770-character password, apparently. If you’re afraid you’ll forget it, just pick a novel and make the whole thing — not just the title — your login. Then retype the entire thing in the password field when you want to log in!
A special comment from the man with the biggest balls in the American news industry.
Tonight’s special comment by Keith Olbermann. Other newsmen may be thinking the very same thing, but none of them will have the courage to say it.
Warner Brothers: today’s worst persons in the world.
Warner Brothers promises, then reneges on, prosthetics for amputees who agree to be extras in film. What scum sucking pigs. Typical fucking Hollywood studios. If a movie ever warranted a complete and utter boycott, this is it.
Why you should think twice before uploading anything to YouTube.
YouTube narc’ed to Paramount lawyers. The internet is not your friend (or a truck).
Funny fact of the day
There is such a thing as a proper Cleveland Steamer. Jokers and Urban Dictionary aficionados please take note.