YouTube nixes 30,000 Japanese videos in the start of what is sure to be referred to as their post-buyout “blows chunks” period.
Author: tony
You’re not allowed to try and figure out what’s wrong with Vista, according to the EULA.
Microsoft’s new war against problem-solving. Observe article 4 of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement for Windows Vista… it effectively prohibits you from trying to find out how to live with the software’s assuredly many bugs, which may actually be intentionally placed there by Microsoft as “digital rights management”. It’s frankly sad and pathetic. Why would anyone in their right mind trust software that comes with a license containing such a clause? Clearly Vista is for suckers. Microsoft itself is saying as much with this clause.
Drogba for the win… again!
Hilario-ity ensues as the Chelsea third-string goalkeeper hands Barcelona a clean sheet. They are now solidly in command of Group A and eager to meet Barcelona again on the 31st. Go Blues!!
Tony’s track of the day for October 17 2006
So What by Miles Davis & John Coltrane. Smokin’ hot jazz for a cold-ish day.
You wouldn’t put up with that crap in real life. Why would it be different for entertainment media?
A real-world DRM. Just say no to crippleware like Windows Media Player.
Tony’s track of the day for Friday 13th October 2006
Hobo humpin’ slobo babe by Whale. A Swedish rock piece from the mid-90s today. Enjoy it while it’s still on YouTube, because that may not last…
Next time, he’ll try it adding another 10 people in tow blowing air horns.
Man crosses from Mexico into Texas unsupervised… with three elephants and a mariachi band in tow. Perhaps the US border really IS as porous as everyone says it is.
She’s going to need a tiny little saddle and perhaps a small monkey rider.
Here’s the world’s smallest horse. Posed here for a photo that’s nothing short of brilliant…
Google CodeSearch: a cracking tool?
Here’s a Google CodeSearch for a common file used on thousands of blogs and which contains extremely sensitive information. This file defines the database credentials for a WordPress blog — information that definitely should never EVER be made public. Didn’t the people behind codesearch think about these things before the release?
48. I may not use public masturbation as a tool to demonstrate a flaw in a command decision.
213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The US Army. Well, Skippy and everyone else in uniform, and it probably shouldn’t be assumed that these things were OK before…