It was a bit windy around Montreal today…

Today I decided to walk around the Plateau Mont-Royal area with my camera, looking for photo material. It was windy, though, very windy indeed. How windy was it? Well, if you own a copper Toyota with the license 554 CRN and you were parked near Mount-Royal, you just had a very bad day indeed (shocking photos follow). Apparently I got there right after a gigantic tree was just knocked down by a wind gust (the cops arrived as I was leaving, but two TV station trucks were already on the scene). Continue reading “It was a bit windy around Montreal today…”

Using Windows Media Player? You are sooooooo screwed!

Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights. You can’t transfer your content licenses from one device to another anymore, you can’t play TiVo content more than 3 days old, you can’t even play music you ripped from your own CDs anymore. Let’s face it, Micro$haft has officially become the thug that’s there to enforce the rights of the entertainment mafia. All in all, if you got conned into buying Windows Media Center Edition the RIAA and MPAA own you, and you don’t get so much as lube or a reach-around.