Behold the Death Star of the Hello Kitty empire! Chapman-san brings you the scoop, and a couple of links to HK stuff you might not have heard about yet. And puns.
System Administrator Observations
The downside of running very effective spam controls on one’s own mail server is the realization of how little email you receive is actually real and addressed to you…
You don’t have to be Caucasian to make racist statements.
Here is Jan Wong’s controversial editorial that earned her rebukes ranging from the St-Jean-Baptiste Society to the Conservative Government. Indeed her anti-Quebec tirade is crass, self-serving, ill-placed, and frankly serves no purpose but to advance a — let’s face it — racist agenda, and she should be shamed for it, perhaps just like the Chinese student she snitched on when studying at Beijing University during the Cultural Revolution. The Globe and Mail should also be shamed for publishing it. Then again I don’t think too many people have lost much in Toronto for making bigoted statements against French Canadians. Continue reading “You don’t have to be Caucasian to make racist statements.”
‘If you are a 13-year-old girl, do not expect that the bad publicity in the past has made us hesitant to sue little girls—it has only made us hate you even more.’
A typical RIAA threat letter. The real ones don’t actually use those words, but the meaning is unmistakeable!
Obviously a man on a murder-suicide spree is going to be straightened out by ‘tougher laws’.
PM Harper to take a look at unspecified ‘tougher laws’ in wake of shooting. What laws? he doesn’t know. Of course that doesn’t prevent him from rehashing the old right-wing claptrap about “being tough” when he clearly doesn’t have much of a grasp of the situation he’s trying to address. You know, at least under Martin and even Chretien you had a feeling that the PM actually thought things through before speaking. But then neither of those men was striving to be a clone of George W. Bush.
The Opposite of Usability.
I am having the most aggravating time dealing with Videotron right now. Videotron is the television cable monopoly provider here in Montreal, for those who don’t know; and really, for people like me who don’t have either a private home or an apartment with a balcony facing South, they are the entertainment monopoly that has to be dealt with, for lack of alternatives. And boy, do they know it. Continue reading “The Opposite of Usability.”
A more direct link to the Reuters pic…
Steppin’ out. Whoever is in charge of handling Bush’s public demeanor is obviously out to lunch these days, or just plain on drugs. You’d think Laura would know better than to join him in this faux-pas, but you’d be wrong.
Once again President Bush sends a clear and unambiguous message.
If you had the maid coming in tomorrow, better cancel and have her come Wednesday instead.
The world will end because of nuclear war starting on Tuesday 9/12/06! Sure, doomsday rants have been said before, but then Yisrayl Hawkins is apparently not your average crackpot (which, I guess, makes him a special crackpot!). Not everyone agrees of course. Continue reading “If you had the maid coming in tomorrow, better cancel and have her come Wednesday instead.”
‘Well, I guess Gary Condit’s relieved…’
No matter how overwhelming an event is it will always be discussed by individuals with their own point of view that may tend towards making fun of tragedy (‘gallows humor’) or simply refuse to let outside events take precedence over their own personal concerns. On September 7th, 2002 ran a featured called Forbidden Thoughts in which ideas were retold that either were overheard on 9/11 or reported by others. Apparently Salon got such a response from viewers adding their own inappropriate comments that they ran a followup feature based on the feedback, and ran it on September 11th 2002.