Should I drop BBC Canada?

I’ve had BBC Canada in my channel lineup for the past year, but it may be time for it to go.

The problem is the reason why I signed up for the channel in the first place, Top Gear. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a very good car show and great fun to watch, but frankly I’ve already seen all the shows they seem to have. Several times, in fact. It’s kind of galling that they should bombard their viewers with endless repeats of “Best of” compilations when the adverts they put between shows continuously promise “all new episodes every weekend.” If you can’t deliver on that, at least stop running those ads.

Continue reading Should I drop BBC Canada?

That’s a whole ‘nother kind of ‘snake on a plane’.

You can now take up to 4 ounces of KY Jelly on American airliners again. It appears the terrorists haven’t completely won after all!

On the plus side, this means less demand for air conditioning.

You gotta hand it to Ryan Air — they have a sense of humor about the new UK security measures. Now you can clearly see who’s “first class” and who’s “coach”, if you know what I mean.

Filthy book-on-book action!

Hot Library Smut! for the bibliophile in you. I’m glad to see that my particular favorite (Trinity College, Dublin) is there. Not that there isn’t already plenty of book porn on the internet! Just look at all these books living in sin on that bookshelf, some of them without as much as a dustcover! Some will argue that it’s only love, but without protection they could catch something.

‘The clue is in the title. It’s not that difficult.’

John Cleese on real football vs. American football. Brought to you by the letter ‘C’… for creativity!

Now I can generate that 21st-century mission statement I’ve always wanted!

The Web 2.0 Bullshit Generator. Dazzle the VCs with incomprehensible gobbledigook littered all over your business plan!

If you like ’em long in the tooth, these bawdy girls deliver!

Golden Girls Gone Wild! From the puppet animation show The Wrong Coast.

Finally, a site that performs this essential service.

Is it Friday? A web site that delivers exactly what it promises.

64-bit Linux Answers to Adobe Foot-Dragging.

Tired of being shut out of discussion about the YouTube or Google video flavor of the week because Adobe won’t get off its butt and release a 64-bit Flash player? Despair not! for there are in fact solutions to your dilemma. I will show you how to access those those videos without having to drop down to 32-bit browsers or OS’s. Continue reading 64-bit Linux Answers to Adobe Foot-Dragging.

Ubuntu Linux on an HP zv6100 Laptop

Every couple of years I like to get myself a new laptop. This helps me stay on top of new developments in that area, and of course it’s usually much better-performing and feature-packed than the old one. This time is no exception. Continue reading Ubuntu Linux on an HP zv6100 Laptop