If you don’t pay they send Badz-Maru around to break your legs.

There’s a Hello Kitty platinum credit card now. You can buy lots of cute stuff and get into cute debt with it!

What terror alert?

Foiled plot not getting in the way of Blair vacation. Don’t you find it interesting that a terror super-plot claimed to be “imminent” in the press isn’t even considered grounds for the British PM to cut short his vacation and return home? Is Tony blair taking vacation tips from George W. Bush now?

That is what happens when the tail wags the dog.

There’s a whole lot less to last week’s terror arrests than most media reports would lead you to believe. There is in fact no evidence that an attack was imminent; there had been no purchase of plane tickets, and many in the group didn’t even have passports. British authorities were confident that what was needed was to monitor the group involved. But in the end arrests were prompted by pressure from another country. Guess which one.

‘Say, John, while you’re here, can I pop by your office around five-ish to kiss your ass until it’s soda-cracker white?’

Truth in Advertising. They say things in a much prettier way, but deep down inside you know that’s what they really mean… and it’s not just in the advertising world either.

Oh my Lord Allelujah!

Woman busted smuggling cocaine into prison stashed in Bibles. As it turns out she was very familiar with the heretofore-unknown “Book of Pablo”.


All your snakes are belong to us. A new twist on an old internet meme.

The antitrust fight of the century?

The fight for processor dominance enters the courtroom. Well, not literally, not for another 18 months, but it’ll be interesting to see how this lawsuit will change the way business is done in the IT industry.

Canonigos greens: now with extra protein!

Real or Photoshopped? These delicious vegetables look a little less appetizing than the company intended.

So cute!

Photos of tiny animals on fingers. A Flickr photo-set, via Boingboing.

I need to add a ‘this is pretty fucking sad’ category for things like this.

Almost a third of Americans don’t remember what year 9/11 happened in. This just leaves me speechless.