The Conservative Party of Canada is under fire for its (non-) position on the war in Lebanon, so what’s a party to do? Ask their contributors to send in more money, of course!
Author: tony
And you thought North American political campaigns were nasty.
Congo politicians denies charges of cannibalism. He also promises to devour defeat political opponents at the polls.
This has to be the biggest collection of Darwin Award candidate photos yet!
The US Naval Safety Center’s safety photo collection. You have got to check these out… and wonder how some of the dumbasses in these pictures actually survived, perhaps to breed incredible stupidity into a whole new generation of humans.
I don’t have a joke for this, frankly.
Here’s a graphical representation of the body count for the current conflict in the Lebanon. Hopefully this will stop before they run out of people to kill.
Someone clogged his inbox.
A Russian spammer gets his due. Maybe I should send a link to this story to people who send me spam.
Map to the famous “crossroads” not included.
Legendary blues-man Robert Johnson’s guitar is up for sale. The only catch is the price — a cool $6 million US.
Sure, if “neutral” means “openly one-sided”.
MacKay: Canada has not abandoned its traditional role as a mediator and neutral voice in foreign affairs. He also stated that PM Harper has taken “a very independent sovereign decision” to completely agree with whatever George Bush said.
Still, the service is, er, “highly personalized”.
Air Torture. No fares, no paperwork, no one’s any the wiser.
On the other hand it does lead to late-night snacking and TV watching.
Scientific studies indicate that marijuana is not a so-called “gateway drug”, nor will it by itself lead to lung cancer. Another blow to the failed, faith-based drug policies of nearly all the world (except Holland).
Does this mean that just anyone can use the courts to implement their own extortion schemes?
EFF counsel explains the RIAA’s legal strategy. Remember, every penny you spend on big-label CDs helps these assholes, so let them know you won’t stand for their bullying tactics by not buying their crap.