Death by Caffeine. Find out how many of your favorite caffeinated drink it would take before you died of coffee poisoning. Brought to you by people who probably have too much time on their hands.
Death by Caffeine. Find out how many of your favorite caffeinated drink it would take before you died of coffee poisoning. Brought to you by people who probably have too much time on their hands.
How much caffeine is in your drink? Don’t waste money on those Vivarin pills, just go to Starbucks…
New Zealand “Christian” group publishes pamphlet instructing parents to beat their children. I wonder if the group also proposes a similar manual for men whose wives are “getting all uppity” and “forgetting their place”.
Profiting from 9/11. I guess God never closes a door without opening a window.
US President Bush puts the moves on German Chancellor Angela Merkl. With bonus “WTF” expression on Merkl’s face.
They have strange ice cream flavors in Hungary. Obviously the blue ice cream is not available as, er, soft serve.
A scene from the Warsaw Fashion Week. I don’t know what she’s selling, but I have this irresistible urge to buy it.
The top 10 worst company domain names. You’ve probably seen those before — and most of them aren’t reachable anymore — but they’re still good for a laugh. Especially that Pen Island one.
The second set of Japan photos has been put online. These photos were taken during a trip to the island of Miyajima (near Hiroshima) in May 2006.
I’ve also moved the files for the first collection (Kyoto and Nara) to Flickr, which really is much better than Picasa Web at this point, so you’ll want to update your bookmarks.