On getting old…

Last Saturday was my 35th birthday. Personally I’m not known to be one who regards this sort of thing very much; in recent years I would much rather have ignored it than anything else. I’d probably feel different if I felt I had accomplished more in my life, but that’s the way it goes. This year, however, was different, not so much on the day itself (although it is 35, which means I’m getting perilously close to middle age) but in what happened 3 days after. Continue reading On getting old…

Alas Sylvio, we hardly knew ye.

Berlusconi beaten in Italian elections. Who’s the coglione now, Sylvio?

So this is what happens when phallic enhancement surgery come up short.

If you’re unsatisfied by the results of your £5000 penis-enlargement operation, the next logical step is to send a mail bomb to your surgeon. Well done Brett Steidler! Now you’re going to jail, and EVERYONE knows you have a small penis (as well as self-esteem issues).

Laugh if you will, but this guy fit The Right Profile.

The current climate of paranoia about terrorism will protect you!.. from people singing along to Clash songs. Mind you the world would be better off if listening to, say, Britney Spears could lead to your getting interrogated. Maybe someone should look into that.

Apparently “Godfather 4” will feature a Steve Ballmer look-alike, making it eligible for the “horror” section.

Microsoft: you sell ‘naked’ PCs? Expect a little visit. Redmond’s goon squad strikes again… aren’t there racketeering laws that are supposed to prevent this sort of behavior?

Listening to his master’s voice.

In a move that surprises no one, PM Harper bends once again to his American master and calls off pot reform. I guess Quebec separatists really are the only political group in Canada genuinely interested in issues of sovereignty… generally.


One thing I’ve always wondered is why I kept seeing, practically every day, a motorist getting pulled over by a cop literally within a stone’s throw of the intersection near my highway exit. It was, as I said, almost a daily sight on my commute home. I postulated then that either I was witnessing an incredible coincidence, or that something was rotten in the city of Montreal. Today I got my answer. Continue reading Screwed.

Towards a PHP proficiency testing methodology

With the rise of PHP for rapid intranet development, one sees more and more adverts recruiting PHP developers for serious development/consulting positions. One of the issues which are raised by this is that of testing. How exactly do you go about testing someone’s proficiency in PHP? Continue reading Towards a PHP proficiency testing methodology

This story is just an excuse to get a bunch of bad puns off my chest.

Sagging profit margins means Hooters Air officially went tits up today. Who would have thought that such a perky airline would be unable to keep things up in the air and end up going bust?

Going about things the wrong way.

Morissey to boycott Canada over seal hunt. That’s tragic now. Dozens of emo kids may never recover from this shock. Will he also boycott his own native UK over its involvement in the war in Iraq?..