Because “human coat rack” isn’t in the official list of prison jobs.

Novel reasons to stay out of jail: unrelenting priapism. Well that would cause a bit of embarassment at shower time, wouldn’t it.

All your face are belong to us.

MPAA opposes bill extending copyright to individuals who wish to protect their own image. Kinda ironic, isn’t it? The movie cartel believes in copyright, except in cases where THEY are not the direct beneficiary of it. The sheer hypocrisy of it is palpable.

…and the Redmond trifecta is complete.

Turns out Microsoft Office 2007 isn’t ready either. It’s a trifecta! Rough week for Steve Ballmer.

Things just keep getting better and better, don’t they.

Microsoft Vista just plain not ready. I’m shocked… well, you know the rest.

That there Vista thing doesn’t look too good.

Microsoft Vista ‘not people ready’. I’m sure that lots of people are shocked, SHOCKED! to see delays taking place there.

World’s richest man not impressed by gadget intended for the world’s poorest, wipes tears of laughter from his eyes with $100 bills.

Bill Gates mocks MIT’s $100 laptop. I guess it goes to show you can’t spell ‘class’ without ‘ass’. Perhaps someone should inform him that not everyone lives in $20M homes with multiple T3 connections.

PSA: the Starforce shit list.

Software you shouldn’t buy. All the games listed on this page contain DRM software by a company called Starforce. This evil piece of junk continually monitors your system for “suspicious behavior” and causes your computer to be rebooted spontaneously when it thinks it has detected an attempt to bypass the game’s copy control, even when in fact no such activity may have taken place. And even when you remove the product from your PC it remains there lurking and potentially causing random crashes. I already wrote to Codemasters, producers of several games listed on the page, telling them that although I had been a loyal customer in the past I would not buy any more of their games because of this.

All hail Mullah David Alexander!

Texans arrested… for being drunk… in a bar. Dumbass quote of the year: ‘”Going to a bar is not an opportunity to go get drunk,” TABC Capt. David Alexander said. “It’s to have a good time but not to get drunk.”‘ Has the Taliban merely moved from Afghanistan to Texas?..

Plus ça change, plus c’est pareil.

Afghan man to be executed for adopting Christianity (with bonus ironic photo). Good thing the Taliban is no longer in power there. *They* would have executed him twice!

Sadly this is what happens when you start distributing “The Fast and the Furious” internationally.

See a huge collection of the most ridiculously riced-up cars in Britain. Except of course that over there they don’t say “riced up”, they say “chavved up”, after the people who dress up, speak and think like Ali G… only for real, not for a comedy show.