The Paulson Trillion-Dollar Bonanza: What’s Not to Like, Part I — How We Got There

In case you’ve been asleep in a cave with your hands over your eyes and cotton in your ears for the past few weeks, the American economy has been in a world of hurt recently. US Treasury Henry Paulson has put forward a far-reaching plan to deal with this crisis. As it turns out there are indeed a lot of things not to like about it, but in order to see what’s wrong with it we need to take a look at how the American economy got itself into this mess in the first place. This will tell us what’s wrong with the economy and whether the bailout plan will address that.

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It sure is a good thing that Canadians are getting shot at every day to defend Afghans’ ‘freedoms’.

You’d think that with all the international troops there the people of Afghanistan could be considered free, unlike when they were living under the Taleban. It doesn’t really work out that way though — just ask Sayad Parwez Kambaksh, a journalism student who’s been condemned to death for printing and distributing a paper off the internet which supposedly violated the tenets of Islam. It’s hard for me to think that Canadians are getting sent to the ‘stan to defend a regime which, as it turns out, doesn’t seem all that different from the brutal and savage old Taleban regime.