Canadian journalist beaten to death in Iran. The search for humanity in the Middle East continues with nary to report so far.
The island state of Sao Tome has declared a ‘junta’.
The island state of Sao Tome has declared a ‘junta’. People around the world are surprised… surprised at learning of the existence of the pint-sized country, that is.
RIAA’s weak spot: wireless networks.
RIAA’s weak spot: wireless networks. Beat the pigs!
Oklahoma City, Newark judged ‘more literate’ than NYC.
Oklahoma City, Newark judged ‘more literate’ than NYC. I smell a rat… but enough about Newark already.
‘Blue Screen of Death’ might be a more literal expression in the future.
‘Blue Screen of Death’ might be a more literal expression in the future. Now terrorists may enjoy the power of (un)Trustworthy Computing(tm).
AOL abandons its lash shred of geek cred.
AOL abandons its lash shred of geek cred. This would be the time to completely sell off that ATW stock, if it were worth anything.
Former zoo keeper accused of killing, eating the entertainment.
Former zoo keeper accused of killing, eating the entertainment. I wonder how many tasted ‘like chicken’.
Marriage kills men’s brain cells.
Marriage kills men’s brain cells. It’s a scientific fact!
Prince/The Artist reportedly about to move to Toronto.
Prince/The Artist reportedly about to move to Toronto. After SARS, hasn’t Toronto suffered enough already?
New Japanese book encourages men to become ‘clitourists’.
New Japanese book encourages men to become ‘clitourists’. It’s all about pushing the right button(s), really.