North Korea now threatens to nuke the Aussies. Can’t we just nuke Kim? we wouldn’t have all these pesky Iraq-type questions after.
Palestinians censor and threaten their own researchers.
Palestinians censor and threaten their own researchers. Another dispatch from the Middle East, otherwise known as the armpit of the planet.
President’s SotU pronouncement wasn’t even untrue in the first place.
President’s SotU pronouncement wasn’t even untrue in the first place. The actual words were “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” The British government still stands by that report. So where’s the crisis?
Analysts: Intel’s 64-bit chip has all the attraction of New Coke.
Analysts: Intel’s 64-bit chip has all the attraction of New Coke. It’s apparently not the choice of the new generation.
The Inquirer points out holes in the RIAA’s strategy, and how to exploit them.
The Inquirer points out holes in the RIAA’s strategy, and how to exploit them. Hoisted on their own petard… I like it!
How boring is Nebraska?
How boring is Nebraska? Take a look at the lengths the locals go to in order to find some entertainment!
UK national ID cards to be more expensive, more intrusive, and less reliable than planned.
UK national ID cards to be more expensive, more intrusive, and less reliable than planned. Government officials telling one story when they know it to be false? I’m shocked, SHOCKED… well, not that shocked., for those who like to take things into their own hands., for those who like to take things into their own hands. In the words of Woody Allen, self-love is “sex with someone you truly love.”
Even David Horowitz can’t find anything good to say about Coulter’s Treason.
Even David Horowitz can’t find anything good to say about Coulter’s Treason. You know things can’t be going well when your own side disavows you…
Lovely spam, wonderful spam!
The internet is a wonderful technology. Even the refuse it produces — unsolicited commercial e-mail, or ‘spam’ — is good for a laugh.
I’ve been on the net for a while, and my e-mail address has remained the same for the past 5 years or so; as a result I get LOTS of spam. I currently use a commercial spam-filtering service, so thankfully I am spared the full onslaught of that garbage. Most of the spam gets collected in a special folder which I am then free to report or just delete. A quick look through the stuff that gets delivered to that special folder is always good for a giggle, however.
Enter the world of spam!
On most such articles there is some kind of a disclaimer here that there might be some language which is offensive to stuck-up people with children, so this one is no exception. In the following paragraphs there might be some language which is offensive to stuck-up people with children, so you’ve been warned. Then again if your kids have e-mail they’ve probably seen the full e-mails the following titles refer to, which are almost always more offensive than the titles themselves.
This is what you needed
That’s an ad for some so-called “herbal viagra”. Easy to spot as spam.
Broadcast Email Advertise to 36.2 Million People – FREE
Judging by the fact that this ended up in ‘crap’ folder, I can just imagine how effective that sort of marketing campaign really is.
Are you undexperienced?
Run of the mill porn site spam. I can’t answer the title question, because I don’t know what “undexperienced” means. Incidentally if you want to cut out a lot of sex site spam automatically delete any e-mail from the “” domain, which is where this ‘gem’ of illiteracy comes from.
Actually reverse a g i n g symptoms! zkmcmspiwace e
Evidently whatever that product does do, it doesn’t prevent you from forgetting about things like orthograph. Jokes aside, this is one way spammer scum get e-mail in your inbox — add garbage characters to the end of the subject line, which fools most filters into thinking the message is in a foreign language. And by ‘garbage characters’ I don’t mean the contents of those messages.
rectal ravaging!
Yup, this one is obviously for a sex site. I have a tough time understanding why people enjoy porn which advertizes itself as being deliberately degrading and hurtful, but then I guess I’m old-fashioned that way.
xxxx RE: Enhance Your Anatomy Without Dangerous Surgery gcvltqbc ptyhxrs:y gnrq?busb.
Another attack of logorrhea! Actually four x’s at the beginning cover up my first name; usually spam filters ignore messages which contain either a proper noun or e-mail address. This e-mail was probably sent to all users with the same login name at a very long list of domains; that’s also a well-known spamming tactic. So is the use of “re:”, which makes it appear as though the message was in response to something the recipient wrote. So, a combination of tactics there.
sleep it off
Yet another “herbal/generic viagra” ad. Again, something along the lines of the previous fake viagra ad. This one apparently comes from one “dr-roy-bates” — I wonder, if he had a butler, would he call the man “Master Bates”?
Better than Viagra: Cialis (the French call it: “Le Weekend!”)
Normally spammers don’t use the word “viagra” in their subject lines, as that’s a big trigger for spam filters. Now, everyone knows what Viagra does — are you sure you’d like to take something that puts you in that state for two whole days???
Money you never have to return! flfan dve
Wow, free cash! that couldn’t possibly be a scam, could it? 🙂 Why do all these “free money” people ask you to pay them something up front? Are they not making enough money through their “magical money secrets” already?
Your Warrenty…..
Just what I’m looking for, a warranty salesman who can’t be bothered to look up a simple word in the dictionary! Probably an intentional mistake to trip up spam filters, but it does make the spamming scumbag look like a real tard.
Remove at least 1 Bad Credit Item Today – URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED
A new trend in spam is to advertise “credit bureau secrets” which, the spammer claims, can erase your bad credit without your ever having to repay a thing. In related news, ever notice that “spam” is but one letter away from “scam”? I knew you would.
How close are you to being a genius?
Enough of a genius that I didn’t bother opening this piece of spam. Oh, I forget, that’s not ‘genius’, just ‘exercising a modicum of common sense’.
Unlock The Secrets Of The Lottery
Again, if the author knew “the secrets of the lottery” he’d be so rich he wouldn’t need to spam me in order to sell his book. In fact he probably wouldn’t have bothered writing a book in the first place — he’d be sitting at some huge mansion enjoying three BJs a day and doing jack squat and collecting his weekly millions.
Foribdden farm fun
Obviously a porn site ad. This one appears to be illiterate as well as illicit.
Increase semen and shoot further, up to 3 times more semen. htmj
Why the heck would someone want to achieve those results??? Trying to paint a room?
xxxx,hi there…:-)
This is from one “Darla”. Again, the four x’s mask my first name. “Darla” must be a very lonely woman, since I have received many messages from her… at many different e-mail addresses! Either she’s completely fictitious, or she really has the hots for EVERY MAN who shares my (rather common) first name. My advice for her is to get some sort of a “personal pleasure device” and give it that name.
This will make ya cream..
As a man I find that proposition rather funny… I haven’t heard that term used since grade school.
You can order Anti-depressants, weight loss meds,and pain relief meds online with NO PRESCRIPTION
Yeah, that sounds like a really smart thing to do, ordering prescription drugs without a prescription.
What men want, and women crave! zvort
Wow, where can I get that universally-adored ‘zvort’ thing?
Weird stuff all in all; and remember, this is only a small selection of the amount of crap that gets to my inbox every single day. You’ve probably seen a few of these in your own inbox.