British man killed, cut and cooked drinking buddy. Can’t remember why. This is why I can’t go out drinking with Englishmen anymore!
Bali bomber targeted ‘white people’.
Bali bomber targeted ‘white people’. Terrorists are also racist apparently.
Would-be whale rescuer feared killed by whale.
Would-be whale rescuer feared killed by whale. Looks like Mother Nature can’t stand do-gooders.
‘Reality TV’ program brought down by, er, reality.
‘Reality TV’ program brought down by, er, reality. Oh the irony!
Xbox2 to dump Nvidia, embrace ATI.
Xbox2 to dump Nvidia, embrace ATI. More bad news for the chipmaker… Nvidia, we hardly knew ye!
China cracking down on hobby clubs.
China cracking down on hobby clubs. Looks like that whole ‘1984 in 2004’ phenom isn’t purely American after all.
Sri Lanka won’t let its top elections official retire, even after 5 heart attacks.
Sri Lanka won’t let its top elections official retire, even after 5 heart attacks. He tries to get out, but they keep pulling him back in!
Welsh politician dies suddenly in a massage parlor.
Welsh politician dies suddenly in a massage parlor. Insert your own “wouldn’t be caught dead” joke here.
Iran’s Ayatollah warns of ‘no pity’ for protesters, threatens to unleash his own mobs to crack heads.
Iran’s Ayatollah warns of ‘no pity’ for protesters, threatens to unleash his own mobs to crack heads. Iran goes all ‘zero-tolerance’ on its own.
Manhattan is a Mecca of wi-fi use.
Manhattan is a Mecca of wi-fi use. Go from Battery Park to Harlem without disconnecting.