Japan is in the grip of the kimono flasher!

Japan is in the grip of the kimono flasher! Both godzilla and mothra surrender.

When ’embrace & extend’ becomes ‘engulf and devour’.

When ’embrace & extend’ becomes ‘engulf and devour’. The future looks grim — it’s either Microsoft or nothin’.

Watching Big Brother? Big Brother could be watching you.

Watching Big Brother? Big Brother could be watching you. Are Tivo users travelling through time all the way back to 1984? Have no fear though, they love Big Brother, I’m sure.

The UK’s NHS: shape up or just go away and die.

The UK’s NHS: shape up or just go away and die. So THAT’s what socialized medicine is really all about…

Looks like France has its own John Walker Lyndh.

Looks like France has its own John Walker Lyndh. The big difference: word is this one was actually involved in terrorist incidents, not merely in training.

This is what Zimbabwean ‘democracy’ looks like.

This is what Zimbabwean ‘democracy’ looks like. Well, Mugabe has often said he wanted to be remembered as the Hitler of his region.

‘Anti-globalization’ protesters demonstrate against war by staging violent skirmishes with police.

‘Anti-globalization’ protesters demonstrate against war by staging violent skirmishes with police. That sooooooo helps third-world countries!

Locked up in the land of the free.

Locked up in the land of the free. The USA has more prisoners per capita than any other country in the world. “Live free or die”?

Exhibit featuring Kylie Minogue’s rear removed from a show.

Exhibit featuring Kylie Minogue’s rear removed from a show. “Art my ass”, the singer’s attorneys say.

The Inquirer: AOL-M$ deal marks the end of standards that weren’t made in Redmond.

The Inquirer: AOL-M$ deal marks the end of standards that weren’t made in Redmond. Billg bought the competition, is rumored to sporadically utter ‘Rosebud’ in a throaty voice.