Singapore Restroom Association (I’m not making this up) starts a ‘Happy Toilet’ campaign, rates country’s loos from 1 to 5 stars.

Singapore Restroom Association (I’m not making this up) starts a ‘Happy Toilet’ campaign, rates country’s loos from 1 to 5 stars. If you gotta go, go in style.

2000 tons of rancid rum dumped on Pennsylvania farm.

2000 tons of rancid rum dumped on Pennsylvania farm. How rancid was it? well, it was Captain Morgan Gold…

US officials say Al-Qaeda operatives may be in the country.

US officials say Al-Qaeda operatives may be in the country. In the absence of actual terrorist incidents in the US, the government is doing its part to maintain the terror level…

Officials say there’s no such thing as an alien baby in Wyoming.

Officials say there’s no such thing as an alien baby in Wyoming. They could have spared themselves the wondering simply by noticing that the initial ‘reports’ came courtesy of the Weekly World News.

Yemen’s Parliament stormed by… a bull.

Yemen’s Parliament stormed by… a bull. Brisket expected to be on the canteen menu this week.

Comical Ali alive in Baghdad suburb.

Comical Ali alive in Baghdad suburb. He’s now reaping the “rewards” of so many years of cooperation with the butcher of Baghdad.

Chilean brothel offers an uplifting experience.

Chilean brothel offers an uplifting experience. Pay your way into the mile-high club.

King of Swaziland: all the world’s ills are caused by women who wear trousers.

King of Swaziland: all the world’s ills are caused by women who wear trousers. Claims they are cursed by God.

The Fobonics Institute.

The Fobonics Institute. For all your ‘all your base’ needs.

The 3rd annual Nigerian e-mail conference!

The 3rd annual Nigerian e-mail conference! 419 reasons to attend!