US denies War on Terror has struck a blow to civil liberties.

US denies War on Terror has struck a blow to civil liberties. Reminds us that John Ashcroft was AG for a full 8 months before the WoT even began.

When good headlines go bad!

When good headlines go bad! Have a good laugh at that sob story and tell yourself it’s the copy editor’s fault.

Amazon doesn’t feel it’s quite spread out enough, will open ‘several new stores’ in the near future.

Amazon doesn’t feel it’s quite spread out enough, will open ‘several new stores’ in the near future. Maybe they were just getting too close to being profitable?

Landover Baptist on Bruce Almighty.

Landover Baptist on Bruce Almighty. Personally I think it’s a sin that Jim Carrey makes $20M every time he rehashes the same damn role with minor adjustments, but then I guess I’m not the Hollywood type.

US charities only have to give away 5% of funds to qualify for tax-free status.

US charities only have to give away 5% of funds to qualify for tax-free status. For some foundations, charity begins at home.

Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just hapy to see me?

Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just hapy to see me? There’s so much incidental humor in photojournalism…

Firm sued by WTC leaseholder owed back rent leading up to September 11 2001.

Firm sued by WTC leaseholder owed back rent leading up to September 11 2001. What most blogs don’t want you to know before you comment on the story…

British woman dies in freak dishwasher accident.

British woman dies in freak dishwasher accident. They do say most accidents occur around the home, you know.

Beer may not make you as stupid as you think.

Beer may not make you as stupid as you think. It will, however, lead you to tell people things you’ve been meaning to say “for a long, long time.”

Quebec cattle farmers staying away from auctions.

Quebec cattle farmers staying away from auctions. It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad cow world.