Aaron Schwartz on Powerpoint presentations.

Aaron Schwartz on Powerpoint presentations.

  • Interesting
  • revealing
  • a little terse

The future of WiFi runs through a trailer park!

The future of WiFi runs through a trailer park! Don’t even think about what the webcams will be like…

From the evidence locker straight into your nose — veteran cop accused of dealing in ‘the devil’s dandruff’.

From the evidence locker straight into your nose — veteran cop accused of dealing in ‘the devil’s dandruff’. That’s the only time this has ever happened, I’m soooooo sure…

Dutch man drinks so much he literally breaks the breathalyzer.

Dutch man drinks so much he literally breaks the breathalyzer. Four beers? Four kegs, maybe!

Is Micro$oft the evil corrupter of the net as I say?

Is Micro$oft the evil corrupter of the net as I say? Funny how a Google search for “Internet Exploder” results in a link to IE 6 SP1…

Slashdot story generator.

Slashdot story generator. From BBspot. Reload for a whole new Slashdot story!

Massive Layoffs of War Protesters Loom as Iraq War Enters Final Phase.

Massive Layoffs of War Protesters Loom as Iraq War Enters Final Phase. Tough times…

LinuxTag to SCO: put up or shut up.

LinuxTag to SCO: put up or shut up. Note: the original is in German, so I’m using Google’s translator, which makes the whole thing sound a bit awkward. Essentially a linux company is challenging SCUM to either detail the specifics of their so-called legal claims or withdraw the complaint entirely, essentially calling the SCO/M$ bluff.

Cats as detestable as rats, survey says.

Cats as detestable as rats, survey says. Public opinion going to the dogs, apparently…

Not only did Jayson Blair make up a sizeable chunk of what he wrote, but he actually finds his lack of honesty and integrity amusing.

Not only did Jayson Blair make up a sizeable chunk of what he wrote, but he actually finds his lack of honesty and integrity amusing. Journalist? I think not. Con man? Assuredly.