Ballmer: DRM is your friend, and not at all a way to give one and all copyright-holders a peek at your systems. Maybe he should spend more time developing and less time sucking Hilary Rosen’s d*ck.
Law enforcement agencies using the PATRIOT act to fight nearly everything but terrorism.
Law enforcement agencies using the PATRIOT act to fight nearly everything but terrorism. Captain Obvious is a very busy man these days.
Meow TV: Television for Cats.
Meow TV: Television for Cats. Primetime features “America’s Funniest Dog Euthanasias”.
Al-Qaeda urges followers to start a new wave of attacks.
Al-Qaeda urges followers to start a new wave of attacks. It’s an apparent departure from their recent “let’s embrace America and the western way of life” policy I wasn’t aware of their adopting… where’s Captain Obvious when he is so sorely needed?
Boycott the RIAA!
Boycott the RIAA! Why not, I do… it’s not like the recording industry has put out much that’s worth buying recently.
Bruce Perens examines the current FUD campaign against Linux.
Bruce Perens examines the current FUD campaign against Linux. Also explains how SCO turned into SCUM.
Pentagon at work on information system which makes Carnivore look like a mere nibbler.
Pentagon at work on information system which makes Carnivore look like a mere nibbler. There’s nothing sinister about that. Nothing at all. No siree. In fact it doesn’t exist, and neither does TIA. And what’s that carnivore you keep mentioning? Never heard of that. For a body that’s into extreme data mining they sure seem to think the public can’t remember their past initiatives…
Yet another Tomb Raider game coming.
Yet another Tomb Raider game coming. How far can absurdly large boobies carry a franchise? You’d be surprised… oh wait, actually you wouldn’t be surprised at all.
In the spirit of the newly-heightened state of terror alert, a few messages from the DHS.
In the spirit of the newly-heightened state of terror alert, a few messages from the DHS. OK, not really, but messages from the real DHS aren’t too far from these.
US terrorism threat level raised to orange again.
US terrorism threat level raised to orange again. Dubya’s poll numbers must be down these days…