The wonderful world of engrish.

The wonderful world of engrish. Leave it to the Japanese to invent a whole new language loosely based on the one spoken in the US… some of these aren’t really bad english, just strange phrases popping up at inappropriate moments (look in there, you’ll see what I mean).

Interesting product warnings.

Interesting product warnings. Do some of these really need to be written out? I would guess so, otherwise corporate America wouldn’t bother printing them.

India appoints envoy to Pakistan, signals a new beginning in relations between the two nations.

India appoints envoy to Pakistan, signals a new beginning in relations between the two nations. Sometimes I really enjoy saying ‘I told you so’…

Get your own deck of William Bennett poker cards!

Get your own deck of William Bennett poker cards! The perfect gift for the man in your life who’s had everything and lost nearly 8 million dollars of it.

Man gets 72-hr parole, asks to go back in the pokey after less than 24hr with wife.

Man gets 72-hr parole, asks to go back in the pokey after less than 24hr with wife. Must be one of those ‘Be careful what you wish for’ kinda stories.

Bill Gates tells everyone they shouldn’t worry about their privacy.

Bill Gates tells everyone they shouldn’t worry about their privacy. Also takes time to tell everyone they should just hand him their credit cards, SSN and shoe size. CNN’s wholesale buying of billg’s fantasy tales does not reflect well on their ability to report accurately on high tech…

Why is the White House trying to block the release of information on 9/11?

Why is the White House trying to block the release of information on 9/11? Are you paranoid enough? Apparently not.

Kyoto Protocol News — even those who like it don’t give a damn.

Kyoto Protocol News — even those who like it don’t give a damn. Consider my intentions, not my actions…

Win2003: Microsoft may be sellin’, but customers ain’t buyin’.

Win2003: Microsoft may be sellin’, but customers ain’t buyin’. Secure by default? I got this to say: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 20 times, shame on me… it’s amazing how much FUD is oozing out of Microsoft on this one, especially given their really poor security record. If you’re looking to dump NT, the best thing you can look at is still Linux, because no matter what you set up as a server OS you will have to do a lot of tweaking and configuration to get good performance, and there will be a hell of a lot more people who can help you with configuring Linux than a brand-new, largely untested, closed-source system.

Former drug czar and family-values honcho William Bennet reportedly has huge gambling problems.

Former drug czar and family-values honcho William Bennet reportedly has huge gambling problems. Surely he’s just doing advance research for his upcoming “The Big Book of Vices”.