Presumably anti-DRM Jobs champions DRM by another name. Not to be stereotypical, but where is the outrage?
Najaf Poets beat US Soldiers
Najaf Poets beat US Soldiers Does that mean the pen is mightier than the sword?
Yet another suicide bombing hits Tel-Aviv
Yet another suicide bombing hits Tel-Aviv Not a laughing matter by any measure, but I think we all know who’s not getting a brand new state for summer. Evidently someone in the Palestinian territories loves the occupation so much they’re making damn well sure it never ends.
You mean taking those pills won’t give me a three-foot schlong?
You mean taking those pills won’t give me a three-foot schlong? I am shocked. SHOCKED!
US forces to leave Saudi Arabia altogether.
US forces to leave Saudi Arabia altogether. Wahhabi shocker.
Our friend the Iraqi Information Minister is back
Our friend the Iraqi Information Minister is back and apparently starting a new job doing PR for Microsoft. It’s a natural step really, and a considerable increase in the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) part of the job, but that seems to be Comical Ali’s bag.
Itanic hardware x86 emulator so bad Intel writes software emulator for it.
Itanic hardware x86 emulator so bad Intel writes software emulator for it. Opteron marketing evidently scaring bejeezus out of Chipzilla.
RIAA looks at Iraq; evidently wants to maintain this whole Axis of Evil thing.
RIAA looks at Iraq; evidently wants to maintain this whole Axis of Evil thing. Just the thing we need: Hilary Rosen as the travelling Ill-Will Ambassador. Evidently there’s not enough hate for America in the Middle East, but that’s about to change… look for really crappy, over-marketed music for the tone-deaf coming out of Baghdad in the near future.
Man pulled over for DUI check flees to freedom of PD parking lot; wanted to ‘finish smoking his crack’.
Man pulled over for DUI check flees to freedom of PD parking lot; wanted to ‘finish smoking his crack’. Sometimes they just write themselves, that’s all I can say…
Arab News calls for an end to Israel scapegoating.
Arab News calls for an end to Israel scapegoating. Somewhere Satan reports that his place is getting “a bit drafty.” Yup, read it twice, I found it hard to believe the first time around. Is the Middle East getting “destabilized” into a sort of peaceful existence?