And that’s how the Experts Exchange people got flooded with questions about hormones.

The top 10 worst company domain names. You’ve probably seen those before — and most of them aren’t reachable anymore — but they’re still good for a laugh. Especially that Pen Island one.

Japan photos part 2 & move

The second set of Japan photos has been put online. These photos were taken during a trip to the island of Miyajima (near Hiroshima) in May 2006.

I’ve also moved the files  for the first collection (Kyoto and Nara) to Flickr, which really is much better than Picasa Web at this point, so you’ll want to update your bookmarks.

Honestly, didn’t anyone think that a book titled “My big book of pretty pussies” could be mistaken for something else?

Found Porn. None of the things shown here is porn in any way… but they look like it could be.

Juggalos gone wild.

Clown-faced robbers rampage in Seattle. Whoever thought that fans of a band called the Insane Clown Posse could possibly be violent and unreasonable?

Moving to WordPress…

You may have noticed a few subtle changes in the site already. Well, these are due to my putting aside my own blog software and switching to WordPress for my main blog. Continue reading Moving to WordPress…

Communism makes it funny!

Laughing Under the Covers, a collection of Soviet-era Russian (mostly) jokes.

I wonder if the people on the tour got refunds.

Whale-watchers in Norway get more than they bargained for. I can just imagine the look on the tourists’ faces when the whalers started hauling the catch on board…

Exclusive World Cup footage!

The Italian team prepares for today’s match. Gotta love that hidden camera footage 🙂

If your staff is sending you a whole internet, don’t be surprised if it takes a while to get there.

Why Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) is against net neutrality. This beggars belief. Is Stevens suffering from senile dementia, or is he just a complete moron? You decide.