Yes, this is a screencap of the Rolling Stone web site, not altered.

Yes, this is a screencap of the Rolling Stone web site, not altered.
Does the internet make people stupid? I mean, it seems like a silly idea. After all the internet gives you instant access to the entire knowledge of the world (along with a whole lot of BS) so surely that can’t be a bad thing… well, after seeing this screenshot I am not so sure.
Shared today on BlueSky — apparently this is the result of asking ChatGPT to illustrate what its core values are. So, there’s probably not much cause to be worried that ChatGPT is going to steal your job, because most jobs out there require communicating in, well, *a* language, and not some weird babble invented by randomly throwing syllables together.
How bad is the US health care “system” that it’s pretty much become a meme?
This sign makes me want to open this very store in my city…
I managed to get put in Twitter jail for saying that a politician in the USA who falsely claimed to be a combat veteran “rode into town on Stolen Valor and should be railroaded out with tar & feathers”. Anyone with two or more working neurons would take that to mean “he tried to capitalize on lies about military service and he should be roundly shamed and ridiculed”, but clearly Twitter’s staff does not have such a luxury of neurons.
Donald Trump basically had to completely ignore the service’s ToS and repeatedly violate it for years to get such treatment, and I did it just by making a simple joke while sitting at home. That’s how I am better than Donald Trump.
Of course there’s also the whole thing about me not being a misogynistic, racist con man with a history of defrauding charities, *very* close friendship with sexual predators and over 30 sexual assault allegations. But today I’m just concentrating on how I’m better at getting my Twitter account suspended.
Ever wondered what it’s like to put a pair of $55,000 headphones on and listening to your favorite tracks? This guy has experienced the Sennheiser Orpheus.
I got a call from Lenovo today informing me that one of the items ordered for me was on back-order… good thing I wasn’t holding my breath. AFAIK it’s the system restore disk for the laptop, which just raises further questions. If I need an additional copy of a CD/DVD I’ve already made before, I just use the image to make a new copy. Does Lenovo not know this?
I’m pretty sure this laptop has been a paperweight for longer than it’s been operating since I bought it.
So, how’s that rapture thing working out for everybody? I wish people didn’t have this impression that you need silly beliefs to live. You don’t.
According to people with overactive imagination and boundless gullibility the world is about to end next weekend. End-of-the-worlders never do learn, do they. Billboards, both static and rolling, have been unleashed to warn us about this armageddon supposedly “guaranteed” by the bible. I’ve even seen one of those around Montreal (in French) and must confess I was quite amused by it.
Well, if nothing else this cult group, Family Radio, has managed to pump some money into local economies. Still, if this movement’s adherents are true believers then they really have no use for money or properties after May 21st; to think otherwise would be to commit intellectual fraud. So I would like to have it known that I am available to take care of these doomsday cultists’ money and properties from May 22nd forward as long as they transfer said possessions to be on May 21st.
So if you honestly think that the world is going to end next Saturday, get in touch with me using the link on the “About me” page. That’s a sure-fire way to really stand up for your beliefs and clearly show that there is no doubt whatsoever in your mind.