Yes, this is a screencap of the Rolling Stone web site, not altered.

Yes, this is a screencap of the Rolling Stone web site, not altered.
His name is Taz! He is an English bulldog, almost 8 years old, roughly 70 pounds, and is recovering from knee surgery. He was entrusted to me this weekend by the Mission Mayday dog rescue. He seems to like it here so far! Here are a few early photos.
Today’s moment of zen is Donald Trump posting this on “Truth” Social, showing the world that he hasn’t gained an ounce of self-awareness — or indeed world awareness — in the past 4 years. Four years ago hospitals had to hire freezer trucks to store the body of the COVID dead because they were literally running out of space in the morgues.
In a Canadian version of this cartoon, which think tanks would be featured?
Eve definitely has a point here… for reference purposes, the photo is from a live event that was lavishly advertised with AI-generated imagery and scripting, but which was so cheaply and shabbily run that people actually called *the police*, which came and put a stop to the “show”.
Shared today on BlueSky — apparently this is the result of asking ChatGPT to illustrate what its core values are. So, there’s probably not much cause to be worried that ChatGPT is going to steal your job, because most jobs out there require communicating in, well, *a* language, and not some weird babble invented by randomly throwing syllables together.
I wonder if he ended up getting the job! (via BlueSky)
How bad is the US health care “system” that it’s pretty much become a meme?
This sign makes me want to open this very store in my city…