Does the internet make people stupid? I mean, it seems like a silly idea. After all the internet gives you instant access to the entire knowledge of the world (along with a whole lot of BS) so surely that can’t be a bad thing… well, after seeing this screenshot I am not so sure.
They tend to live up to their collective name.
In a Canadian version of this cartoon, which think tanks would be featured?
Clown shoes for less!
If you’ve suffered brain damage and would like to get a pair of those revolting gold sneakers Don the Con is selling, may we recommend that you save a few bucks by buying them at the same place Donald himself did before he stuck a “T” emblem on the side, and that place is Alibaba. The price? Less than $50, with volume discounts available, a savings of $350 per pair.
How to plan and run a gangbang
What does a blogger and sex worker get for herself on her birthday? Aella organized a gangbang for herself, and her Substack provides a fascinating view into how a successful gangbang gets organized, how it goes, and the lessons the star at the middle of it has drawn from it. It’s probably NSFW — no images but it’s a honest article about organizing a gangbang so you know what to expect.
My Birthday Gangbang by Aella (substack)
This one kinda hit me hard
Eve definitely has a point here… for reference purposes, the photo is from a live event that was lavishly advertised with AI-generated imagery and scripting, but which was so cheaply and shabbily run that people actually called *the police*, which came and put a stop to the “show”.
Maybe AI isn’t ready to take over the world yet
Shared today on BlueSky — apparently this is the result of asking ChatGPT to illustrate what its core values are. So, there’s probably not much cause to be worried that ChatGPT is going to steal your job, because most jobs out there require communicating in, well, *a* language, and not some weird babble invented by randomly throwing syllables together.
Dress for the job you want!
I wonder if he ended up getting the job! (via BlueSky)
The only right take on Trump’s shoes.
Honestly who the f*#& is going to wear that in public?
The footwear world was stunned today at the announcement that Donald Trump is now making self-branded clown shoes. Have a look, they really look even worse than you think they will.
Trump launches a sneaker line (NBC News)
This is why I don’t fly Suspiria Airlines.
This week’s weird aviation episode involves… maggots. I kid you not.
Delta flight forced back to Amsterdam after maggots fall onto passenger (CNN)