Does the internet make people stupid? I mean, it seems like a silly idea. After all the internet gives you instant access to the entire knowledge of the world (along with a whole lot of BS) so surely that can’t be a bad thing… well, after seeing this screenshot I am not so sure.
Category: Funny
Clown shoes for less!
If you’ve suffered brain damage and would like to get a pair of those revolting gold sneakers Don the Con is selling, may we recommend that you save a few bucks by buying them at the same place Donald himself did before he stuck a “T” emblem on the side, and that place is Alibaba. The price? Less than $50, with volume discounts available, a savings of $350 per pair.
Dress for the job you want!
I wonder if he ended up getting the job! (via BlueSky)
Another web find, Valentine’s Day edition
How bad is the US health care “system” that it’s pretty much become a meme?
Internet find of the day
This sign makes me want to open this very store in my city…
A little something I threw together today…
How I am Better than Donald Trump
I managed to get put in Twitter jail for saying that a politician in the USA who falsely claimed to be a combat veteran “rode into town on Stolen Valor and should be railroaded out with tar & feathers”. Anyone with two or more working neurons would take that to mean “he tried to capitalize on lies about military service and he should be roundly shamed and ridiculed”, but clearly Twitter’s staff does not have such a luxury of neurons.
Donald Trump basically had to completely ignore the service’s ToS and repeatedly violate it for years to get such treatment, and I did it just by making a simple joke while sitting at home. That’s how I am better than Donald Trump.
Of course there’s also the whole thing about me not being a misogynistic, racist con man with a history of defrauding charities, *very* close friendship with sexual predators and over 30 sexual assault allegations. But today I’m just concentrating on how I’m better at getting my Twitter account suspended.
The best of Marty Feldman
Marty Feldman was not as well-known in North America as he was in the UK, and many here may think that his bulging eyes made him a bit of a one-trick comic but he was a comedy genius.

On giving advice to people in internet forums
Here’s an old story from the internet on why you shouldn’t bother giving advice in the first place…
OP: “Help! HELP! I’m stuck in a well!!!”
Biggies 1-4: “Climb! Climb up and take our hands!”
OP: “I’m thinking I should dig… should I dig?”
Biggie 5: “NO! I was trapped in a well, and digging is a bad idea! Climb out!”
Biggies 6-8: “We’re lowering ropes! Take hold of a rope!”
Biggie 9: “I’ve even tied a harness to the end of this one!”
OP: “I can feel the ropes, but I don’t want to hold onto them… should I dig?”
Biggie 10: “No! If you dig, you’ll hit water, and then you’ll be proper fucked. I should know, I almost drowned.”
OP: “I dug a little bit just now, and I haven’t hit water. I’m gonna keep digging…”
Biggies 11-18: “No! Climb! Climb out!”
OP: “Guys, I’m seriously stuck in this well! Help! HELP!!!”
Biggie 19: “I was trapped in a well once. It took me two years, but I managed to build a climbing machine that pulled me to safety out of a well bucket and a pocket watch. I’m dropping the blueprints, extra buckets, and an assortment of pocket watches.”
Biggie 20: “I’ve engineered a jet-pack that will rocket you to safety. Stay where you are and we’ll lower it down!””
OP: “Thanks for your help, guys. I’m gonna keep digging. I’ll find the Mines of Moria and I’ll just walk to the surface.”
**Biggies 1-20 piss in the well**
Biggie 21: “Guys, seriously… stop pissing in the well.”
The birds, they’re angry!
Angry Birds is a fun little game, but effectively what you have are a bunch of birds that successively commit terroristic suicide attacks on the pigs who have stolen their eggs.